Home Forums Suggestions – Archives WEBKINZ SNAIL?!

This topic contains 32 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  migrubbs 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #648953


    good idea snaily. :) The psi should be snail shell bed and psf slimy apples or slimy noodles.

    1. #664579

      snaily321 wrote on 2012-09-09 at 07:27 PM

      Anyone else have any creative suggestions? :D

      soccer snail, it could have a soccer ball shell or a snail with a black shell and twinkling rainbow stars

    2. #664546


      Anyone else have any creative suggestions? :D

    3. #663108


      cece945 wrote on 2012-09-03 at 09:39 PM

      snaily321 wrote on 2012-09-01 at 04:02 PM
      Thank you chimera123, cece945, and littlerainstorm for your imput. I appreciate your support to help influence Ganz to make a Webkinz snail. Snails rock! :D

      Np I like to support othet people ideas

      Thanks again cece945 for supporting this forum! I really appreciate all you snail lovers replying! Your snaily friend, snaily321 :D

    4. #662335


      snaily321 wrote on 2012-09-01 at 04:02 PM

      Thank you chimera123, cece945, and littlerainstorm for your imput. I appreciate your support to help influence Ganz to make a Webkinz snail. Snails rock! :D

      Np I like to support othet people ideas

    5. #662207


      SignatureBernese wrote on 2012-09-03 at 01:41 PM

      snaily321 wrote on 2012-08-26 at 02:11 PM

      SignatureBernese wrote on 2012-08-25 at 06:42 PM
      Love the idea! I used to love snails when I was little.

      Thanks SignatureBernese for answering my forum! If you love snails then answer this forum! Snail lovers unite! :D

      Hehe, no problem ∑:) I think the snail could have a multicoloured shell, with a green/teal body. A plush one would be so cute <3

      Thanks again SignatureBernese for your creative suggestions that make this forum stand out! I love the multicolored shell idea and everyone else seems to agree. The green body is a good idea because snails generally are shown like that. If there are any more suggestions or you just agree make sure to reply to this forum! -snaily321 :D

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