What Should I Name My Pet?

Home Forums My Pets What Should I Name My Pet?

This topic contains 1,475 replies, has 226 voices, and was last updated by  curlyhair444 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #858297

    Key Master
    1. #888650


      I need help naming my white poodle

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      • #888723

        For your white poodle Id suggest snowdrop, Vassalissa, Fifi, Madame Frufru, powder puff, Ginny, Janey, Marceline, Penelope, Collete, or Clara. Food inspired names would be Vanilla, Creme de vanilla, coconut, Sugarcube, and creampuff. Hope you like!

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      • #888725


        Well, if you want some cute and funny names, I like Puck, Tippi, Bonbon, Petite, Pupcake, or Fritz. If you want some elegant names, I like Eclair, Madame, Gateau (YUM CAKE), Baguette, Gaston, and Curlicue. Finally, if what you’re looking for is a conventional name, then Miranda, Mimi, Lulu, or Francine should do. I hope you like them! (Also, if you’re gonna call me out on giving a Poodle French-themed names, I know poodles originate from Germany. Those names just sound nice.)

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    2. #888594

      Hey guys! I’m back with two more new Webkinz friends! A rockerz papillon and a rockerz raccoon! I know the papillon is a girl for sure and I’m thinking my raccoon will be too:) I’d love some name suggestions tho :) thanks in advance!

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      • #888664


        Well, for your Rockerz Papillon, I like the names Trixie, Roxie, Maxine (seeing a trend here?), Carly, Angelica, Patty, Serena, Camille, or Tina. For your Rockerz Raccoon, I like Sable, Kendra, Raven, Anastasia, Ebony, Indigo, Constance, and Valentina. Finally, some culinary names (because I know that’s the theme you’re going for): Ginger (I know, it’s cliche), Chervil, Anise, Fennel, Basil, Oregano, Paprika, Cayenne, Thyme, Cilantro, or Turmeric. Hope you like them!

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        • #888722

          Mmmm these are great names! I’m still deciding so I’ll let you know:) thank you!

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    3. #888236


      what is a good name for a cute little skunk? :) @epc2003

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      • #888462


        If you’re looking for some odor-able names for your Skunk, I personally like the names Spritz, Streak, Sweetstuff, Tippi, or Fifi. If you want some pretty-sounding names, then I think Aroma, Plume, Misty, Chiaroscuro, Perfume, or Serena sound good. I hope you like these!

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        • #888574


          LOL, you tagged it Stunky? That little guy is so cute! X3 It seems like nobody else thinks that he is, though…. :l

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          • #888645

            Actually I tagged it Stunky lol. Stunky is a really cute name! It’s actually derived from what my little brother use to call skunks lol. He use to be like “it’s a stunk!”. He couldn’t say skunk lol

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          • #888658


            Haha, I didn’t tag it Stunky, but I like him! He never really stood out to me, though. I personally like Skuntank better. On the subject of pungent Poison Pokémon, though, apparently my Garbodor Jasper is my most stylish Pokémon. Yup, I decided to do the musical in Black & White again. I didn’t think I would do it a lot because it just seemed kind of pointless to me, but then I decided to put bows and flowers and dresses and stuff on Jasper and SOMEHOW I GOT HOOKED. He is now my most fabulous Pokémon. Even the NPCs think that (which was funny because I spent the whole show saying how fabulous he was and then an NPC went up to me and told me that he looked fabulous). Then again, I always did like stupid things. I bet it has something to do with my own questionable intelligence! :D

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      • #888568

        Hmmmm… Well for a skunk I like Stella, Flower, Cuddles, Zapperz, Scruffy, Lil’ Stinker, Fritz, Oliver, Stunky, Tinker, Francium, Tangent, Deliliah, Sammy Stinker (could be a boy or girl) and Riley. Hope you like :)

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      • #888798

        Girl pepper Boy peppy La pu

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    4. #888093


      Chai is a cute name! i’m sure whatever name you pick will be perfect :)

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      • #888148


        Chai is good ( Although, personally, I don’t really like the taste). I think you should go with that one. :D

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        • #888245

          Oh see im a Chai fan lol. Have you ever tried a chai latte? It’s really good because it’s like making hot cocoa but using chai instead of the cocoa.

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    5. #887278

      If anyone has anymore suggestions for a girl gingerbread puppy Id appreciate it:) I have just not been able to give her a name yet :(

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      • #887556


        Hmm… I don’t know why, but the name Arianna jumps out at me (Did I even spell that right?). Or maybe Glaze or Cocoa? That’s all I’ve got right now.

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        • #887840

          I think it is:) there’s really no right way to spell names! And glaze is cute thank you :) im thinking about naming her Chai. Like the tea:) is that a nice name?

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      • #888463


        Okay, so I know this is super late and that you’re already naming her Chai, but I think that puny names like Pupcake and Lollipup would be adorable for a Gingerbread Puppy. (Then again, I am known to be rather dorky, so there’s that. :P)

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        • #888485


          Ack, I meant “punny”, not puny. Auto correct seems to have some sort of grudge against me, haha.

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