What Should I Name My Pet?

Home Forums My Pets What Should I Name My Pet?

This topic contains 1,475 replies, has 226 voices, and was last updated by  curlyhair444 1 month, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #858297

    Key Master
    1. #933689


      Thanks @silvermist03 for the W Pup names- I didn’t get the puppy, but I named my new Decade Dragon “Brooke”!

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    2. #933452

      Thanks guys!

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    3. #933371


      That is a perfect name for a decade dragon!! I love it!!! I FINALLY got my sweet elephant that i’ve been wanting since it came out in… November? Anyway it is ADORABLE!!! It doesn’t have a mouth, though… And, I found out in response to my last comment, that, while the webkinz yorkie does not look like all the yorkies I’ve ever seen, the signature short haired yorkie does, so.. yeah. And yes, if you’re wondering, I’m kind of hyper right now :) God bless, Silvermist03

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    4. #933366


      I named mine Legend, some others could be, Century, Decade, Dee, Magic, Decade Delia, Wendy Webkinz, Willow….idk really, Dakota is good! for the cocker spaniel – Twinkie, Puddles, Sadie, Luke, Max, Zeke, Lenny, Cookie, Twix, Snickers, JayJay, Kay, Kayla, Kiki, Lilly….Not sure what your looking for!

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    5. #933265


      That sounds perfect for a decade dragon!!! I found out yesterday, btw, to my last comment, that the webkinz signature yorkie, looks a lot more like what a yorkie looks like. God bless, Silvermist03

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