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February 24, 2014 at 2:24 pm #858297
December 7, 2015 at 9:17 am #963276
HELP!!!!!!!!!!! I found one of my x mas presents and it’s a signature bull terrier. I was going to name it Alissa but now i have second thoughts. plz someone suggest a name!
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December 9, 2015 at 9:21 am #963712
@webkinzrocker1: If you wanted to call the bull terrier “Alissa” you should stick with it! If you need more options, though, how about “Cherish” “Holiday” “Izzybella” or “Surprise” or “Bombshell.” Congratz on your new signature pet!
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December 5, 2015 at 9:26 am #963165
What should I name my decade dragon and who lala owl? I was thinking Dipper from gravity falls for the dragon or Dragontales haha! I need some good names :)
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November 28, 2015 at 11:11 pm #962234
What should I name my bubblegumasaurus and ribbon lion?
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December 5, 2015 at 9:27 am #963166
Bubblegumasaurus- Juicy fruit., double bubble, gumball, Hubba bubba Ribbon lion- Bow, Beau, Lacey
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November 21, 2015 at 4:50 pm #961434
Hey all! Does anyone have any girl name ideas for a Rabbit, Rockerz Poodle, Pink Pony, Rainbiw Hedgehog, or Signiture Portugese Water Dog? I also need a boy name for another Signiture Portugese Water Dog? I found the Signitures in a Marshall’s!!!! I still can’t believe it! XD Have a great day!!!!
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November 24, 2015 at 9:24 am #961591
Nice find @MandevillaRed! I am not that good at coming up with names, but I’ll try :D Rabbit: Thumper, Oliver, Molly, Gizmo, Jasper, Peter Cotton Tail, Cadbury (cadbury Creme Egss OHMY), Snickers, or Chester! Rockerz Poodle: Almond, Amy, Andy, Anne, Axel, Banjo, Bandie, Bass, Cupid, Cee-Cee, Carmen, Carrie, Elvis, or Frida. Pink Pony: Galaxy, Pink Horror (Funny story behind that one HA.), Penny, Comet, Lady, Blu, Crystal, or Dazzling. Rainbow HedgeHog: Neon, Casper, Sonic (I had to sorry XD), ‘Lil, Gabby, Bubbles, or Cotton. And finally, Signature Portuguese Water Dog (That is a super lucky find! Is it brand new or used? Still, super cool :D) Anchor, Boe, Crab, (I really like that one :D I can just see this, a back story of a water dog being chased by a crab or something heh.), Crosswind, Fish (Another cute one :D), Isle, Kayak, Marina, Shark, Tracks, (Another good one!) And even Whale! Best of luck on finding a name that suites your adorable bunch! ~lavardagon ☃
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November 25, 2015 at 10:07 am #961714
Thanks so much, lavadrogon! Both of the Signitures came new with codes! I got two, and I want another for my brother. The still have like five left! It’s crazy, I ended up naming my girl Signiture Portugese Water Dog Cora, and I named the boy Cole. Thanks! These are all great! You’re awesome at names!!! I named my rabbit Olive, like Oliver. Thanks so much! It really helped! Have a great, great day!
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November 26, 2015 at 9:38 am #961928
Your very welcome MandevillaRed! ☺ Oh my goodness, that’s so cool! Probably the rarest Signature I have ever found in a store, is my Red Wolf. :D But that was a while ago, months before the Signatures were announced retired. Theen, months after, I saw a Signature Wild Dog, and Signature Lion, so I got another Signature Lion. I am a bit lucky I guess you could say :P Nice! Those names are really cool, hey I’ve got an idea! If you haven’t already, you should have Cora and Cole be brother and sister :D They both have twin like names, that would be really cool! You also have a great day! ~lavadragon ☃
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November 24, 2015 at 9:24 am #961594
Does anyone have any name ideas for a girl Signiture Black Bear?
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November 24, 2015 at 4:33 pm #961656
Well, let us see what I have got. I like: Amber, Umber, Berry/Berri/Berrie, Masy/Macy, Daisy, or Lana.
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November 25, 2015 at 10:08 am #961715
Thanks Pokekinz! I actually thought of Amber too… These are great! I think I’m going to name her Yova. Okay, prepare for a weird story! She’s a friendly bear, so I thought of Yogi, because he’s a friendly bear. But I can’t name her Yogi, she’s a girl! So then I thought, Maybe Yoga? But Yoga is…. yoga….. So my tired brain thought, “Maybe switch the g with a v?” And that is how I came up with the name Yova. XD Have a great day!!
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November 25, 2015 at 4:04 pm #961912
Weird stories are the best for coming up with names. :D I have a Strawberry Cloud Leopard named Berrina… I named her when I was kinda little. So, I wanted it to sound something like “berry”, but I didn’t want to straight-up name her “Berry”, because that was already in the pet name. I asked my mom for a feminine name suffix (although I didn’t phrase it that way, I think I said something closer to “do you know any ending sound thingies for a girl name?”), and the one of the ones she told me that I liked was “ina”. And so “Berrina” she was dubbed. I guess that wasn’t entirely called for, but I guess I like telling name stories. XD
November 19, 2015 at 12:13 pm #961179
I have a silversoft cat! It’s not any of those. I actually named her Misty. Her best friend is Ashley, which is a charcoal cat. My younger brother bought her for my last birthday in August. Anyways, I also suggest that you could name her Silvia, Esmeralda, or Rebecca.
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