Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~~** WHO HAS SAIL DRESS OR GIRL SAIL TOP??? **~~

This topic contains 16 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  candyque400 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #659207

    I can get it for you! I REALLY need emo I can get the girl’s sail top ok?

    1. #659678

      Thank you for the trade… I didn’t think you’d accept so soon! sorry lol, idk why i was wearing the princess thing.

    2. #659600

      Catcora15 wrote on 2012-08-29 at 05:10 PM

      Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-08-29 at 01:45 PM

      Catcora15 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 11:03 PM
      Hey guys, I’m in desperate need of EITHER of these items. I’m offering emo jeans for either. Have a different offer on emo? Go ahead and offer I need a really good deal though because I really want sail. Thanks guys, good luck!

      Hi, i have the Sail dress and would trade it for emo. PLMK.

      Okay add me Catcora15

      Okay, my user is Elboy1. I sent you an invite so…. that’s my user. :)

    3. #659564

      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-08-29 at 05:02 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-29 at 04:10 PM

      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-08-29 at 03:57 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-29 at 03:49 PM

      Catcora15 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 11:03 PM
      Hey guys, I’m in desperate need of EITHER of these items. I’m offering emo jeans for either. Have a different offer on emo? Go ahead and offer I need a really good deal though because I really want sail. Thanks guys, good luck!

      I have emoton jeans. Do you have anything else you have for my sail dress? Here is my other priceless that I have.
      Full Cat
      Sail Dress
      Emotion Jeans
      Round sail hat and I think I have more.

      hey sag since you have full cat can you tell me what each piece is wirth?? thx :)

      FFtold me the full costume is worth emo. I think each piece is worth plupmy. I don’t want to trade my costume right away.

      btw do you think orange army is a fair trade for cat feet or shirt??

      No not really. JamesSoccer11 sail the value of army went down.

    4. #659535


      Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-08-29 at 01:45 PM

      Catcora15 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 11:03 PM
      Hey guys, I’m in desperate need of EITHER of these items. I’m offering emo jeans for either. Have a different offer on emo? Go ahead and offer I need a really good deal though because I really want sail. Thanks guys, good luck!

      Hi, i have the Sail dress and would trade it for emo. PLMK.

      Okay add me Catcora15

    5. #659531


      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 11:43 PM

      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 11:39 PM
      I can get it for you! I REALLY need emo I can get the girl’s sail top ok?

      will you keep your emo on hold for me?? becasue sometimes I get the item and people are trading it already :(

      If you can get it before arcticmonkey responds then we sure I can hold it for you.

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