Who Has These Items For Trade???

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Who Has These Items For Trade???

This topic contains 19 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  adama123 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #92058


    <p>Hi, I’m looking for these items. If anyone has them for trade please lmk. I’d like to offer on them. Thanks, Cruisingal My Wish List: Rockabilly Rooster PSI (Rooster Truck), Signature Ragdoll Cat PSI (Designer Catwalk), Budgie PSI (Budgie striped sofa), Boxer PSI (Boxing ring trampoline), Blue Lamb PSI (Blue bumper car), Pink Lamb PSI (PInk bumper car), Red Velvet Bunny PSI (Red velvet couch), Black Wolf PSI (Komrade couch).

    1. #688602


      Crusingal- Did you see my last post? LMK!

    2. #688339


      Please lmk if anyone has any of the items from my wishlist. Thanks, Cruisingal

    3. #687983


      jewels250 wrote on 2012-12-07 at 10:50 PM

      cruisingal wrote on 2012-12-07 at 05:49 PM
      My Trade List Part 2:
      Zum Cloud Car
      Snowy Camp Site
      Harmonious hammock
      Down Under Burrow
      Cupcake Chair
      High Heel Chair
      Theatre Stage bed
      Jellybean Tree
      Dignified Dreams Bed
      Sleepy Dragon Bed
      Vortex Storage unit
      Jolly Roger Roller
      Day outdoors bathtub
      Jellybean Big Screen
      Catnip Canopy Gazebo
      Amanda Panda Chest
      Underpass Hideaway
      Bejeweled Coffee Table
      Emerald TV
      VIP Booth
      Magic Nine Ball
      Autumn Paw Print Window
      Ms. Birdy Home Sweet Home

      Hey there Cruisingal,
      I have everything on your lists! I could use another Cat Gazebo. LMK, Thanks

      Hi Jewels, I was able to get the catwalk in trading so would you trade your boxing rink or a bumper car for the catnip gazebo? Please lmk which one will work for you. Thanks so much, Cruisingal

    4. #687797

      cruisingal, i’m sorry to say but i don’t have any of your following wants.
      sorry! but if i do spot any i’ll keep an eye for them!

      jewels, hey there! i haven’t seen you in forevs! but i don’t come on webkinz that much anyway.
      just other things. lets trade! well for fun. i have a bunch of new stuff, but PLMKSNOL

    5. #687796


      amberthepatchypuppy wrote on 2012-12-08 at 03:28 PM

      I have boxing ring trampoline, I really need any estore psi i can get if u have any. Add me on WW, i’m not on forums much anymore. My username is spg85123 Thanks!

      Hi amberthepatchypuppy, I’m going to send a friend request right now. I have the estore Emerald Tv if you like that. Please lmk. Thanks, Cruisingal

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