~Wild Watermelon T-shirt Solved~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~Wild Watermelon T-shirt Solved~

This topic contains 21 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  tinytwinkle99 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #683447


    KentuckyGurl9 wrote on 2012-11-21 at 01:28 PM

    Hi Heres The Recipe: Black Converse GreenT-shirt Red T-shirt Hope This Helps

    There is no Green T-shirt that I could find, can you post the actual names in WW of the items? Thanks :~)

    1. #683961


      Everyone!!!!!!!! I found this clue that should hopefully help us!!!
      Here is the biggest hint we will probably ever get, a poem:
      Listen closely, for you will hear,
      what will help you on a journey near,
      I’m leaving now, so say goodbye
      and it wasn’t just I,
      who solved the mystery,
      but with the help of many.
      Spin a wheel,
      go gem hunting,
      do your dailies,
      and you will be jumping,
      for you solved it,
      yes siree,
      but not without,
      the help of many.
      It’s expensive,
      even Ganz had problems,
      and they invented it.
      Close to two years, yes it’s sad,
      but it’s your own fault!
      you’ve skidded to a halt!
      Get back up and you will see,
      that it’s really no big mystery!
      You can do it!
      I know you can!
      Just stop fooling around,
      In the sun,
      and have some fun!

      The sun part really hints to me. I don’t know how to decipher this poem, but maybe someone else knows.

    2. #683938


      They don’t retire clothing machine clothes. It’s only right. and everyone, the yellow tank is NOT retired.

    3. #683932

      dogfish wrote on 2012-11-21 at 02:18 PM

      msamy05 wrote on 2012-11-21 at 01:47 PM

      angel_crazy wrote on 2012-11-21 at 01:42 PM

      KentuckyGurl9 wrote on 2012-11-21 at 01:28 PM
      Hi Heres The Recipe: Black Converse GreenT-shirt Red T-shirt Hope This Helps

      That doesn’t help because WHAT AND WHERE IS A BLACK CONVERSE?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

      I’m guessing KentuckyGurl9 means the Black and White Sneakers because they look like Converse, the Red Tee is the red tee, but there is NO Tee stating it’s the Green one so we need to figure out that.
      KentuckyGurl9~Can you help us out here? Thanks!

      Hi msamy, I have some black high tops, but hate to waste the few pairs i have. Do you think the green tee is the green layered Tee? The colors look right. I don’t think there is a retired green tee. If it works out, I’ll send you a pair of shoes. LOL DF

      Um just so you know there is no such thing as green tee I do not think and you can not put retried into the clothing Machine sorry can we talk before 12,00 am!

    4. #683904

      DoughnuttheGandWcat wrote on 2012-11-23 at 09:41 AM

      Maybe try the black and white sneakers, green layered tee, and RED layered tee.

      Or maybe green and red polos

    5. #683899

      Maybe try the black and white sneakers, green layered tee, and RED layered tee.

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