Witch hat

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Witch hat

This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  WebkinzWonderWebkinz 11 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #824490

    I have the priceless one with purple cobwebs. Lmk your offers.

    1. #826269



    2. #826172


      Hi! I have the candy dreamland dress if you would still like that? Please let me know! Thanks so much! –Maddie :)

      • #826281

        Hi maddie, I actually just got the dress! I am going to look at your trade list and I will let you know if I find anything I need. -calitigertuxedo

        • #826550


          Hi CTT! I actually just got witch hat today! LOL, I guess both of our trades worked out well, didn’t they! Thanks anyways! –Maddie :)

    3. #825735

      I have…………….Summertime Skirt, Gift Box Shoes, Pirate Princess Hat, Charmed Mushroom hat, Elegant Asian Headress, Stylish City Dress, Blue Modern Vampire Pants, Fred Rover’s Blazer, Flowery Print Dress, Green Dwarf Costume, Charm Fairy Shoes, Slips, Rockin’ Reindeer Sweater, Sleeveless hoody set pants, Clown Wig, Undersea dress, Pixie Wing Shirt, and Fire Queen Robes

    4. #825481


      I have promo clothing…or Webkinz Friends items/clothes. I would love to have that hat :)

      • #826282

        Which promo clothings do you have?

        • #826882


          Promo–I have lily pad dress, melody hat, candy hat, hamburger outfit, and full ketchup

          • #827085

            Would you trade for the candy hat and lily dress? If not, thats fine. Also what your WW name?

          • #827391

            HI! I need ketchup outfit. i have the burger already. I was wondering your offer. My user name is MAGICMANGO1 and in Kinzchat Plus. ;)

    5. #825349


      Hi I need that hat! What would you want for it because its pretty old? You can check out my forum (Lamb’s trade list #4) and see if there is anything you like. Thanks, LT

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