Witch Hat and Cheeseburger Costume for Trade

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Witch Hat and Cheeseburger Costume for Trade

This topic contains 106 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  minigummybears 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #644873


    Hi! my sister really wants witch :) She has:

    elf hat
    elf shoes

    would you trade any of these for witch? (also depending on the one you pick she might add) PLMK soon!

    SW :)

    1. #645546


      DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-08-07 at 07:55 PM

      Bailey- I’d love to add you, I’ll send a FR here in a second! But I’d prefer it if we tried to work out a trade on the forums, because I only have Regular Kinzchat, and it’s very hard to communicate.
      Goldstar- Alright, here’s my list of STUFFZ for the TV. xD
      2009 Spooky Cobweb Bed
      Sig. Fortune Teller’s Table
      Webkinz Wishing Well
      Pink Butterfly Dress
      Pink Stripe Polo Tee
      Silver Dress
      Red Dotty Party Dress
      PJ Collie’s Shirt
      Snowboarding Jacket
      Cloud Adventure Wings
      Hippo Hat
      Country Party Dress
      Red Football Jersey
      Blue Capri Pants
      Sweetheart Shoes
      You can pick a combination if you wanted to also. :D

      Ooh xD how many can I pick? :D

    2. #645543

      Bailey- I’d love to add you, I’ll send a FR here in a second! But I’d prefer it if we tried to work out a trade on the forums, because I only have Regular Kinzchat, and it’s very hard to communicate.

      Goldstar- Alright, here’s my list of STUFFZ for the TV. xD

      2009 Spooky Cobweb Bed
      Sig. Fortune Teller’s Table
      Webkinz Wishing Well
      Pink Butterfly Dress
      Pink Stripe Polo Tee
      Silver Dress
      Red Dotty Party Dress
      PJ Collie’s Shirt
      Snowboarding Jacket
      Cloud Adventure Wings
      Hippo Hat
      Country Party Dress
      Red Football Jersey
      Blue Capri Pants
      Sweetheart Shoes

      You can pick a combination if you wanted to also. :D

    3. #645537


      DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-08-07 at 07:29 PM

      Goldstar- I’ll make a list here in a second.
      Jewels- I’m on right now if you’d like to trade! I’ll send a FR and be in REGular Yellow. :)

      Dancingeggplant whats your UN i would love to try to trade with you. Mine is Bailey101010. lmks Bailey101010

    4. #645532

      Goldstar- I’ll make a list here in a second.

      Jewels- I’m on right now if you’d like to trade! I’ll send a FR and be in REGular Yellow. :)

    5. #645527


      DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-08-07 at 04:17 PM

      DQ- I\’m sorry, I\’m trading my Witch Hat to Jewels. I may need your Emerald TV though. :D What are you looking for it?
      Jewels- How about the Charm Tiara, Sly Slide, and Banana Split Sundae Station? Any specific time you would like to trade? LMK, my username is eggyeaster.
      Goldstar- No problem, hope I could have helped! :D

      That sounds fine. Tell me when you\’d like to meet. I only have reg. KC so pick a color and a time and I\’ll meet you. Friend me at lunoch1 so I can find you. Thanks,


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