Zebb5's Name Crew *hiring*

Home Forums Pets – Archives Zebb5's Name Crew *hiring*

This topic contains 30 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #839266


    Hai Everyone! I’m Zebb5 and I decided to make a name crew for webkinz names, I know how hard it is to make creative and unique names for ur pets. Here you can post what type of pet u have thats needs a name, and random names. If you want to join please ask me because there might come a time where we are full. If you want to join tell me a bit about you .(I like getting to know people) And if you dont get in dont be mad u never know I might need u. Have a Happy Holiday!

    1. #864882

      Hi Zebb5, i have a alpaca (Like a llama) and i named it derpy llama and i hate it i wonder if u have any good names i like Liam and he is a boy thanks for ur time bey! 8). Also can i join i have great names and i am on here ALL the time. thanks again Bey! 8D ~meemersandboo~

    2. #856473


      I would like to be in this club :) I need help. I ‘m getting a stormy dragon. Its gonna be a girl. Help!

      • #856956


        I know I’m not officially part of the staff, but I have some suggestions. If you want an exotic name, you could try Nimbi, Cumulus/Cumulia (cloud names for the win), Indigo, Iris, Aellae (meaning “whirlwind” in Greek), Tempest, Hurricane, Nebula, or Gale. If you want a more human name, you could try Molly, Wanda, Tammy, or Brianna. Bubbles is also a nice name if you’re going for the cute, upbeat feel. Hope this helps!

    3. #852555


      Could I join the “staff”? If you want, you can give me a test to see if I’m up for it, but I’m pretty experienced, so you can be the judge.

    4. #847728

      Zebby read my post on your kinz chat forum please

    5. #843426

      HEYA! i was wondering if i could help? -THe Bengal Tiger- LET TIGERS SURVIVE

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