Forum Replies Created
I replied to emi — but I’m not sure where it went — the newz is glitching like crazy! Oh well. Anyways, I want to thank all of you guys for your kind words!!! <3 you are all so awesome. Cowgirl is doing well, and I am too — just very busy with church/school/cooking and stuff. Thanks for the kind sayings and bible verses — it means a lot! I love you all! and Indigo Zap — here is a quick little poem just for you guys c; "Thanks for being such good friends, you'd stick around until the end! I thank God for your lovely words, which bring such joy unto my ears. I hope you all get the best — you'll jump every hurdle and ace every test! May you have a wonderful day — and week, and month, and year I pray." (lol that was sappy XD) ~FennecFox=^. .^=
…And it turns out my little sister (ChristianCowgirl) was logged onto my computer on HER account (Pheonix2025), so oops, I accidentally posted as her! Anyways, sorry for the confusion, it is really me, Fennec :P
Hey, Taffy, No problem! :D Yeah, life is just so busy — oh well :P Aww thanks so much — I hope you have the best in everything too! (lol no problem, turtles are troublemakers xD) (by the way — I tried to reply to you before but the comment wouldn’t go through — sorry about that! It may go through after this one moderates though… because these forums are glitchy…)
By the way, I got a webkinz golden retriever — my Grandma sent it to me :) I named her Lillian (the dog, not my grandma lol! But my grandma’s name /is/ Lillian)
Thanks, moonie! :D And haha I’m glad you liked the turtle incident xD
Sam heard somebody mention cheese, and he perked up. A quick snack, surely, wouldn’t spoil anything — and he was quite hungry. “I’ll take a piece of chee–” before he could finish, a big fat turtle waddled out in front of him — or, rather, right under his feet. With a wild yelp, Sam jumped three feet into the air and covered his eyes with his floppy ears. He landed *smack* onto the turtle’s hard shell, and rolled backwards into a somersault. The turtle screamed like a banshee and continued to scream as it slowly turned around and waddled back into the underbrush — each step as sluggish as dripping molasses. It continued to scream, and Sam stared in shock. “Well, oops.” (I don’t know what’s next — you guys can decide what happens lol)
Cute pictures! Guys — all your fanart is so awesome — I love looking at it! :D Sorry I haven’t been on lately — I’ve been so, so, so *to infinity* busy :P
Hey, Lucky! Ahhh yes, life is insane o_O but I’m glad you’re doing well (besides the sore throat — drink up some hot cocoa, that’ll help!) Aww thanks about my drawings — I’m glad you like them! Merry Christmas to you too!
Thanks, MLP! Hmm maybe you could use Edge? That’s what worked for me — the SC is a bit wonky, lol. And I agree, Jesus is the reason for the season!
Thanks, Moonie! :D I’m glad you like my art style! It means a lot ;)
Thanks, Taffy! Aww you’re so sweet — I’m glad you like my drawing of Magi!
Thank you, emi! :D Bookworms for the win! Yes, Jesus is the most important part ;)
Thanks for the update, Taffy! I hope you have a fun Christmas as well! :D
Dear Everyone: Merry Early Christmas!!! I hope you all have a safe and amazingly wondrous holiday. Here is a drawing — I hope you like it. Wishing you all much love and Christmas cheer! ~FennecFox =^•.•^=
(It’s okay :D) Haha I’m glad Bucky’s fur is okay! Who knows, maybe snow has some magic when it comes to webkinz fur…