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Hi Babetteab, would you be interested in a Slippery Holiday Staircase? I also have a retired grandfather clock and a mangrove treasure trove, idk, lmk what you think :)
If any are still available, I would love an Alyssa candleabra or a deluxe sarry slumber clock if it’s not too much trouble! Same UN and were already friends and happy holidays!
Hi I’m not deluxe, so if you had any rickety cottages to spare for me I would be forever grateful! (same UN )
Hi again! I’m still on the look out for wild mushrooms, if you had any you could spare, I would love them!!! (We’re already friends)
Hi, my username is marshy2u! Could I please have ship in a bottle or victorian pathways, if no one has claimed them yet? (I’m new to webkinz newz . . . . are you sure you don’t want anything in return?)