Billy Goat

The Billy Goat is quick as a whip! It’s a fast runner who loves to play around on its Tasty Bouncy Sofa! The Billy Goat is also a top student at the Kinzville Academy and likes to eat Alfalfa Fajitas!

6 Responses to Billy Goat

  1. twinners1 says:

    My billy goat is Molly and I got her because I’m like a goat, and then on Webkinz I read her biography and she was just like me!

  2. HREII says:

    I got a billy goat in honor of the 2016 Cubs World Series Win that brought the billy goat curse!!

  3. migrubbs says:

    This pet is the POTM for June this year.

  4. Fracktail says:

    I love goats so much and I don’t even know why. For some reason they are just adorable to me. (Even when they try to eat my shirt)

  5. 594nat says:

    I have a Billy Goat named Billy! :-)

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