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Boiled Wyvernacle

146 Responses to Boiled Wyvernacle
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Here are two fails: Dragon Fruit+Farm Fresh Lettuce+Marshmallow=Gunk and Pumpkin+Corn Dog+Ginger Ale=Gunk. We have to figure this recipe out!
Can people start posting their fails here again!!?? PLEASE???? We have to work together to solve this!!!!!!!
I don’t think this is as strong as the Neon Tutu… try foods that you only get at Halloween.
Ok I left u some hunches on the second page :)
I tried Popsicles, Dragon Fruit, and Corn Flake Cereal. Also a fail. I am pretty sure one ingredient is dragon fruit as it is the only one where you can’t get any time of the year. It has a very very short season making it a once-twice a year thing. Sticks maybe fishsticks and corn dogs. They are the only other things that come on a stick. I have no idea about the last one but leaning towards root beer. Wild thought. Thanks Mark. Will you post on my newest forum Username History 2 in Questions? It is just a talk forum and yeah. Thanks-Atom
Ok so busters aren’t a food ingredient. I tried mint, strawberries, and hot chocolate! I made orange gunk! Hurray, I think Gunk is the easiest to figure out!-Atom
Hey Atom., If you look at the third post from me, those are 2 clues that where given to us by Chef Gazapacho. Hope this Helps and See you around W.W.
I tryed Watermellon, Bottled, and Pickle. Also a fail. Hope this helps! Now I am thinking hot chocolate, candy busters, and strawberries. I will try it! -aTOM
Hot Chocolate+ Lollipop+ Everything= Gunk. Helps/Tips are on other comments.
I’ve Try one more combo. Pumpkin+ Honey+ Everything= Gunk ( -Orange it make a recipe). Hope this Helps P.S. Maybe something with Hot Chocolate?
I’ve Tried, Hot Chocolate+ Caramel Apple+ Everything= Gunk. Very hard to figure out but it has to be solved.
One more failed combo Pumpkin+ Caramel Apple+ Everything= Gunk. P.S. Something on a Stick and Something you get once a year, what can they be?
Sorry I just realized that I put Caramel Apple instead of CANDY apple. Sorry about the confusion.
Try Corndogs, because there on a stick, also, could it be something known to get once a year, because if you only get it once a year, you can only make the recipe once a year. Just a tip!
FAIL: Corndogs, Marshmellows, Apple Juice.
I Just tried this combo and it was also a fail Pumpkin+ Lollipop+ Everything= Gunk. Let’s solve this!
I tried this: Dragon Fruit+ Candy Apple+ Everything= Gunk
I’ve tried this combo and it’s a fail Pumpkin+ Kinzville Ice Popsicle+ Everything= Gunk. Hope this helps, P.S. this is a stove recipes!
hmm . . . I’m not sure but do u see those white rocks in it? maybe that has something to do with it :)
Yeah, and if you look closely, it almost looks like they are scaly! Hm, I wonder what it could be. Maybe marshmallows are in it? Oh and, notice the color of the soup-ey, liquid part? It is an almost exact color of Ginger Ale! So maybe that is in it. Chef Gazpacho said that there was one thing you could get once a year, one thing on a stick, and one other thing in it, so maybe birthday cake is in it? But then they also said that it is perfect for halloween, so maybe it has some halloween candy in it. I will post more things that will help figure out the mystery! Let everyone who posts under here now be an honorary member of my Food and Clothing Recipe Detective Squad! I don’t have many members anyway! So that makes YOU playnowpuppy, part of my team! (if you want to be) :)
Where are y’all getting these tips from?!!
Here is a link to them: http://webkinznewz.ganzworld.com/contests-fun/strange-but-delicious-boiled-wyvernacle/
From Chef Gazpocho and if u look at the picture of the recipe it’s easy to think of some ingredients that could be in it :)
Your right prprprprp :) and maybe for the last ingredient honey or orange pop because of the bubbles :) and yes I would love to be part of your Food and Clothing Recipe Detective Squad :)
Yay!! Welcome to the team, playnowpuppy! :) And also, I would like to post an interesting comment by mamaeuky: THE STICK CLUE IS FISH STICKS. I am willing to bet. if you can see thru it = a bagel then makes sense. A play on words.—-that was their comment! Interesting, isn’t it? We will all have to keep that in mind. I think the bagle idea was very good, although I am unsure whether fish sticks are in this recipe. It did say something ON a stick…but it could be! Very creative ideas…everyone keep up the good work! I can feel it, we are getting closer and closer to figuring this recipe out!! :D
a bagal . . . . maybe that’s an ingredient :)
Yeah I’m pretty sure orange pop is an ingredient :)
Yeah, playnowpuppy, maybe orange pop IS in it, because soda is bubbly, and so is this!
we got scary scaly chips at Halloween, maybe those. I’ve only been on for two Halloweens and never got a single ingredient to make the tooth extractor recipe. I think the once a year item is a Halloween food.
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, Elizabeth! :) I’m so happy so many people are posting here!! :D
Well u can’t put items like that in the stove so that’s why I don’t think it’s that :)
You can’t add B-Day Cake too recipes :(
Did anyone notice the value of this is 18 kinzcash, maybe the ingredients all add up to that?
The value is not always correct, but still, you should get credit for that. :) That would be a very good strategy otherwise! :)
Yeah I never noticed that! Maybe that’s what can help us figure this out!