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Boiled Wyvernacle

146 Responses to Boiled Wyvernacle
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Here is a fail posted by Zike40 on the ‘Strange (But Delicious) Boiled Wyvernacle’ page: Okay, it isn’t lollipop + cake + EE (everything else).—-that was the comment. I also found one suggesting Goo Goo berries as the item from once a year posted by Mollie, and they also thought it could be Licorice Bats in another post. :) Those were pretty much all the helpful posts I could find besides what is already here, unless there is another article I don’t know about. BTW, Chef Gazpacho said it is delicous but mysterious, so maybe it has something mysterious in it?…. also, he said it is a perfect treat for halloween, so maybe it has some halloween candy in it. I really hope we can figure this out soon!! :D
Oh, just found some more comments that are very helpful from Queen: one: OK so here’s what I’m thinking for Boiled Wyvernacle: I think that Dragon Fruit is definitely one and Candy Apple is probably one. I’ve tried using Birthday Cake and other foods you get around the holidays, but Webkinz won’t let you use those as ingrediens. That means the last ingredient is probably from the Wshop. Candy Apple is the one on the stick, Dragon Fruit is the “other”, so now we just need one that is once a year. Any ideas?? ~Queen (Genesis 1:1)——and then the second: I tried Dragon Fruit, Candy Apple, and Yams (since you mostly only eat yams around Thanksgiving) but I got gunk. I tried Dragon Fruit, Fish Sticks (since they have sticks in the name), and Yams but it didn’t work :P I then tried Candy Apple, Dragon Fruit, and Honey because everyone on Webkinz Insider seems SURE that there’s honey in it, but I made gunk :-/ Pumpkin Dragon Fruit Candy Apple was a bust too. Back to the drawing board! ~Queen (Genesis 1:1)—–those were the two comments which I found in the forums! I will continue to try and find helpful comments and articles that will help! :D I’ll check another article about Boiled Wyvernacle, maybe that will have helpful hints and comments! :)
PRPRPRPRP! I HAVEN’T TRIED THIS RECIPE YET BUT I THINK THAT IT MIGHT BE THE BOILED WYVERNACLE RECIPE WILL U TRY IT OUT FOR ME? WELL IT’S, dragon fruit+corn dog+ and then maybe . . . . . marshmallows? I’m pretty sure that dragon fruit, (Because Queen said wyvern means dragon) and corn dogs are for sure ingredients now we just need to figure out the Holiday ingredient and like I said I think this recipe looks more like a Halloween recipe :) hope this helped I’m still trying!
Nope, all were fails. Sorry! I even tried Farm Fresh Pumpkin! Sorry!
Ok, I will try it out and tell you how it works out! :) I only have one Goo Goo Berry, but I think I will use it anyway. :) I can always get more from the Berry Fest thing. I will try all of the things you suggested, I’m going on Webkinz right now, so, I will go and try them out! :) Will post the results as soon as I try them out! :)
Any other hunches?
hmmm um maybe, what is a food in that black pot? notice the pot is like a couldren do we have any black pots/couldren food in the W-shop or anywhere else in Webkinz world? This is getting disapointing but we have to keep trying!
I don’t think so. :/
Yeah there isn’t :( I’m not really sure now just gotta keep trying :)
Hey, maybe tomato soup?
Hey guys! prprprprp told me about this so I decided to join in! Here’s a fail: Oatmeal, corn dogs, and chicken nuggets. This IS a stove recipe right?
Oh, thank you, JaneOFAllTrades!! :D welcome to the club! :) And yes, it is a stove recipe! :)
Great you’re posting on here too JaneOfAllTrades :)
Hey, maybe chicken nuggets are in it, because do you see the handle? It looks like a bone, chicken have bones!
Yeah good clue prprprp but I don’t know I think chicken nuggets aren’t really it tho because well they have bones but bones aren’t really a stick but good thinking :)
Yes, I know chicken things aren’t really a stick, but maybe it is one of the other ingredients?….I wrote this before I became convinced that Dragon Fruit was in it, so maybe it is not. I thought it could be the OTHER one. :) Maybe not. :)
Hey, speaking of food, this is not really related but, has anyone met Daisy Doe, the new chef, yet? She gave me a slice of Organic Olive Bread. Organic….the only kind of food my family eats! (my real people faimly I mean!) Ganz, you have a few things open here: you could add a new restauraunt to Kinzville, a new place to visit! :D Please do! And also, you could make more food recipes to figure out! :) Please do both! It would be so cool! :)
Yes I have and I’m enjoying veggie fest I got my Daisy Doe plushie today and got my hat and basket of veggies on September 12 and 13 :) I hope she does open a restaruant!
Well, they did one of my suggestions, they made a new recipe, the Vegan Veggie Wrap! :) Hopefully they will do the restaurant next! :D
Yes that would be nice I made the vegan wrap (thanks u to u and pretty princess who sent me Tofu burgers) thanks again!
You’re welcome! And that’s great you got to make your Vegan Veggie Wrap! I made it too! :D
great! I fed one to my pets and they loved it!
Ok, here is a fail: Candy Apple+Pumpkin+Sushi=Gunk. I think Candy Apple might be the thing on a stick, because this is kind of like a Halloween treat, and for Halloween, what do you get? Candy!So this could be it. Lollipop could be also, but for some reason this seems more likely to me. Well, I will keep trying. :)
The surface of the cauldron looks like orange rind. Anyone tried sushi as an ingredient? They like to throw that one into stuff, also licorice. Maybe takes a Halloween food. AND WHERE did you see a hint from the chef, for this one, Mark?
Hm, good ideas, Elizabeth! :) Oh and, the tips from Chef Gazpacho are in an article posted a long time ago on Webkinz Newz, here is a link: http://webkinznewz.ganzworld.com/contests-fun/strange-but-delicious-boiled-wyvernacle/ Hope that helps! :)
If u search Boiled Wyvernacle then it will pop up :)
Ok, I did some quick research, and there is actually only 4 things currently in the wShop’s food section that are on sticks! Some might be like: ‘Um, how does that help?’ well, look at this article: http://webkinznewz.ganzworld.com/contests-fun/strange-but-delicious-boiled-wyvernacle/ Chef Gazpacho says that one ingredient is on a stick. Here they are: Candy Apple, Corn Dog, Popsicles, and Lollipop. See, that’s not so intimidating! We can slowly narrow down which one with that! :) Hope this is helping, will post more fails soon! :)
Yes I’m pretty sure the stick ingredient is Corn Dogs or Candy apple my guess is Corn Dogs :)
Oh, and it would be very helpful if people could try to figure this recipe out, and post all of their fails here! :)
Ok prprprprprp :) well heres some of my fails :( pumkin+corn dog+orange pop= gack :( corn dog+marshmallow+honey= gack :( lollipop+ orange pop+ marshmallows= gack :( and trust me there is many more fails then these it’s just it will take a while to post them all!!!!
Ok, thanks!! Now everyone knows that those don’t work, and they don’t have to spend their money on those items, just to have it fail! :) See, it will hopefully be quicker to figure this out if we all post fails here! I will post another in a minute.
and Queen comented on the fourms that wyvern means dragon so my guess is that this recipe has dragon fruit in it as the last ingredient :)
Yeah, I tryed posting that, but I’m not sure if it got posted. :(
I’m going to work on eliminating dragon fruit on the stove. Eventually it should hopefully end up with me solving the recipe. :) I’m positive that Dragon Fruit is in there. If anyone has any extra Goo Goo berries, please send them to me, I am going to use that as one of the ingredients that I use to eliminate dragon fruit. :) Same with any halloween candy you don’t want, I am going to try to use every ingredient possible and eliminate dragon fruit completely! First, testing stick foods! :) I’ll post my results. Oh and, kinzcash coins would be helpful too, any amount, if you don’t have goo goo berries or halloween candy. :)
I am also going to start eliminating all four stick foods, but dragon fruit first. :)
Yay! Last night, I eliminated Dragon Fruit+Corn Dog+EEW (-cabbage) Let me explain that for all who don’t understand me: So, I tried Dragon Fruit, Corn Dog, and everything else in the Wshop, in the stove, and they all came out gunk! The (-cabbage) means I did not use Farm Fresh Cabbage, but I will as soon as I harvest my garden. :) You see, every thing farm fresh is the same as using the same food, but not farm fresh, just bought from the Wshop, when cooking. It doesn’t make any difference whether you use farm fresh tomato, or regular tomato from the Wshop! It is the same for all farm fresh food, except for cabbage, because there is no cabbage currently in the Wshop. Try making Trickle Treacle with it’s regular ingredients. Then, try with farm fresh pumpkin, instead of regular pumpkin. It comes out the same! That how you know. :) So, I am saying that I tried it with everything available currently except for cabbage. Oh, and I didn’t try it with goo goo berry juice box, or pie, or halloween candy, but I did try it with Goo Goo berries! :) So, don’t combine corn dog and dragon fruit in the stove with anything in the Wshop! It’ll turn out Gunk! :) I hope this helped us all solve this tough recipe! I will work on eliminating dragon fruit and candy apple next! :D Please send goo goo berries anyone who can, I used up my last one for this elimination!
Ok great prprprp that really helps I think next we should try doing Dragon Fruit, Candy Apple, and everything else in the W-shop and see what it is :)
Yup, I’m working on eliminating that right now! And who knows, maybe it will even figure out another recipe too, besides boiled wyvernacle! (hopefully boiled wyvernacle first though ;))
Great hopefully we can figure this out I’m getting desprate!
I think it’s great progress! :D I’ almost done with that last elimination, I’ve been pausing though because our internet keeps going down and then popping back up for a few hours and then going down again don’t know why? Once it stopped working for a whole day, so it’s a little hard here. Not sure what’s been happening. But I’ve gotten over 40 ingredient done on the elimination, so I’m almost done with this! :D
It’s still just me….I thought style…808? was going to post here, and playnowpuppy….
I did my comment disapered this is getting so anoying!! Well anyway I’m posting now :) Ok so I remember the clues Chef Gazpocho gave us, 1. on of the ingredients is on a stick, 2. and one ingredient is an item u get ones a year :) he never told us a clue for the last ingredient but I’ve got some ideas :) Ok so for the stick ingredient I know there are many foods on sticks in the W-shope wich include: corn dog, pop cicle, candy apple, and lollipop :) heres the thing, I think I know wich 3 of these stick foods could be the ingredient thr stick foods are the corn dog, lollipop and the candy apple :) why? because notice this recipe looks like a Halloween treat? yes it does, so that’s why I think the popciclle wouldn’t work because It’s a summer and frozen food :) ok next is the ingredient that u get ones a year ok, well ones again I would like to point out that this looks like a halloween treat :) So why not pumkin? U get pumkins around Halloween :) Now for the last ingredient, Chef Gazpocho didn’t give us a hint there but I think I know what the last ingredients could be :) 1. Honey (notice the bubles are the color of honey) 2. Orange Pop (because of the bubbles) and maybe marshmallows because of those things floating in there :) hope this helps I’m still trying!
Yes, it is trying! I now think that Popsicles are probably not in it! :)
Oops, I meant helping! It is helping! :)
i think goo goo berries may be in it because it weird round things look like goo goo berries without color and honey may be the idem on a stick because you use a stick to stir it I like to try to find out recipes!
Oh, good idea Borntoplay!! And thanks for posting! :) Please, keep posting with us! You could share your hunches for the recipe (I will test any you want out) and your fails, and some ideas about one or another item that might be in it! Every contribution helps!! :D
Oh and, yes, it does look like it could be goo goo berries, but I also just noticed, when examining them more closely, that they are kind of shaped more like Strawberries! I think I might try using Goo Goo Berries, Strawberries, Honey, Ginger Ale, Chicken Nuggets, and Candy Apples and Lollipops with other things! :)
prprprp, I suggest we stop using lollipops, and Chicken Nuggets :) I don’t think those 2 ingredients are it but the rest of the ingredients u listed could be it :)
or it may have bats as the once a year object and maybe pumpkin pops as the stick object by the way goo goo berries may be the yearly object
I now believe that corn dogs are the stick ingredient because the liquid is the same color as corn dog batter P.S. if anyone has some spare time can they come help me on laphabet oops please I have left everything I know on the page of laphabet oops
Great I think corn dogs are it too :) also corn dogs are boiled :) like this recipe is called boiled wyvernacle!
Yeah, maybe Corn Dogs ARE in it! I thought that it would be Candy Apple, so I will try both Candy Apple and Corn Dogs the most, but I will try all. :) Oh and, I will post on the Laphabet Oops page when I am done on this page! :)
Goo Goo Berries are rare, and their’s one recipe that has them in it. And I think the clues said they were all Wshop foods. Hope this Help!
Oh, you’re back! :) Haven’t seen you here in a while. And yes, Goo Goo Berries were in the Goo Goo Berry Float, so it could be an ingredient! :)
it is not goo goo berries corn dog and dragon fruit
YES! Goo goo berries are probally it!
Hey guys. Just a reminder that you can’t post super-long posts on Webkinz Newz. They won’t be approved, so that’s probably why you aren’t seeing them.
OOooooooh, I had no idea!!!! Is that why my posts are not being posted? I keep doing over and pver again, trying to make it work, and now, you just delete it, and say: STOP POSTING REALLY LONG POSTS!!!!! WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO READ THEM AND IT IS GETTING EXTREMELY ANNOYING!!!!!! STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPP!!!!!!!! lol! :) I’m gonna have to post 19 comments on here so that you don’t yell at me. lol! :)
Really but my last post wasn’t that long!
I think she was posting that because of me. lol! I had just tried to post a really long comment, and then a few minutes later she says this….sure looks like I’m the guilty one here! lol!
Oh, well no problem prprprp :)
it might be a random ingridient. like in pomadrone punch, there’s pickles.
Oh yeah, that WAS crazy! So I guess we will just try everything until we solve it…I’ve got a few hundred fails done already! What about everyone else? Would they post ‘em? I already did. :)
ok great I posted some fails prprprp :)