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Boiled Wyvernacle

146 Responses to Boiled Wyvernacle
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Here are 2 fails. Dragon Fruit+lollipop+hot chocolate, Dragon fruit+lollipop+pumpkin
hey guys! I’m really sorry I haven’t been on lately! I have a question about this recipe, Has anyone determined what the “Once a year” ingredient is? I saw on another thing that someone thought it might be birthday cake but that won’t go on the stove. Right now I’m thinking hot chocolate or pumpkins. and have we determined the stick ingredient yet?
well pumkin, is not it, (we tried that already) and I tried lollipop, prprprp tried corn dogs, and I don’t know if prprprp has finished the carmal apple elimantation yet, so that’s an update :)
This has nothing to do with this recipe… I just had to get to the last page. But who’s voting for Tabby von meow in the election?!? I am!
I might, but I want to see the other speeches first, if there are any. I’m not voting for Daisy Doe, I know that, but if there are any more runners, I’ll take them into consideration too. so far, I will, but I’m not sure…
I’m voting for Mrs.Cowaline :D
Does anybody think that hot chocolate is the once a year food?
Maybe. It really could be, sillybear101! :D Markg97 seemed to think so aswell on the first page of comments. :) Good idea. Maybe we can test that next…why don’t you work on eliminating dragon fruit, hot chocolate, and everything in the wshop? I’ll send kinzcash coins if you don’t think you’ll have enough money to afford it. If you choose to do so, then please post when you are done, along with whether or not you used farm fresh cabbage, and if you used goo goo berries, and their juice box and pie. :) It’s fine if you cannot though! :)
hey guys! Haven’t been on in awhile! Any specific combinations we’re trying right now?
Well, Playnowpuppy is working on Dragon Fruit and Lollipop, I already did Dragon Fruit and Corn Dog and DF and Candy Apple, but it would be great if you could try Dragon Fruit and White Rice, or Honey. We are basicly working on Dragon Fruit+EE+EE=Boiled Wyvernacle? (Dragon Fruit, Everything Else, and Everything Else) You could do Dragon Fruit, with something, and then everything else in the Wshop, plus cabbage if you could. Oh yeah, I didn’t include cabbage in any of the eliminations I did, or goo goo berries except for Dragon Fruit Corn dog, by the way, so you could do those for me if you want. :)
fail: carrot cake+pumpkin+corn dog.i think this is the first time I’ve made GREEN gunk
here are a few fails. I tried dragon fruit, and ice pops with the following. Cream soda, orange pop, root beer, and cola.
Well prprprp and me have been testing and prprprp found out that Corn Dogs+Dragon Fruit+ everything in the W-shop don’t work :( so now we need to try Dragon Fruit+ Everything the W-shop+ CANDY APPLE! ok JaneOfAllTrades? Please help :)
I’m almost done with the elimination. Just need a few more. I’ll go work on that right now. :)After I’m done with this, I could finish that elimination for you? Not sure what I should try next after candy apple with dragon fruit, I guess lollipop or ice pops, or maybe even white rice (chop STICKS) or honey? (that’s kind of on a stick) After that….I’ll just go through all the Wshop foods, starting with the first one. :) Unless we can make a more educated guess on the next ingredient besides Dragon Fruit, maybe orange pop? :) Anyway, it would be nice if one of you could do Dragon Fruit+Lollipop elimination for me. But if not, I’ve got it, I just traded for a 1000 kinzcash coin, I might use it all for eliminations. Anyway, I’ll go finish the candy apple one, I’ll post when I’m done. :)
Ok prprprp when I get a chance I will start on the Dragon Fruit+Lollipo+Everytrhing in the W-shop elimination :) I have plenty of Kinzcash so I’ll start when I can :) I’ve got to go to church right now I’ll be back later bye :)
Enjoy the mass! :)
Ok sorry I kinda forgot about that but when my friends come over today we will try to elimanate the lollipop :) I’ll remember this time :)
Ok, thanks! :)
alright I told u before but I finished the lollipop+fruit+everything in the W-shop elimantation :)
DRAGON FRUIT AND CANDY APPLE cannot be the combo. I have tested everything in the w-shop with them.
Oh wow!! Thank you so much, MEGWEBKINZ! :D Have you also tried Goo Goo Berries, and Farm Fresh Cabbage?
I still think the remaining ingredient is a Halloween food, since the hint says once a year. I suspect it may be the sinister sippy, but I have none left to try. DF/CA /SS seems like a good combo to me! Can someone try that?
okay, this is just an idea but the bubbles sorta make it look fizzy to me. what if there’s some kind of soda in it like orange pop, cream soda, root beer? Maybe?
well, maybe not. I tried dragon fruit+all fizzy drinks+all stick foods except corn dogs since prprprprp already tried it.
Yeah, and I’m almost done with eliminating Candy Apple. :) I can try eliminating either orange pop or one of the stick ingredients next, if dragon fruit doesn’t work. (Though I’m positive it will)
Ok, I had lost my list for a long time for that elimination, and I may have to start over!!! :0 But I know I finished all the a foods, and the b foods, maybe the c foods. I think I might be on e or f, but I’m not sure…
Eliminated Dragon Fruit, Corn Dog, and everything else in the Wshop, besides Farm Fresh Cabbage! The only things I need to try it with, are the cabbage, halloween candy, and a goo goo berry pie and juice box! :) If anyone could send one of those, it would be very helpful! Or they could try it themselves, that would be helpful too! :) Going to work on eliminating Dragon Fruit and Candy Apple next! :D
A wyvern is a small winged dragon, so I think that Dragon Fruit is definitly one of the ingredients in Boiled WYVERNacle! :D (PS thanks Queen! I have to read my dictionary more often!)
Yeah when I saw queens comment it helped a ton!