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15 Responses to Cat

  1. unicorn794 says:

    When they start making plushies again, this pet NEEDS to be a plushie. :D

  2. mpearigen says:

    I’ve been playing webkinz for 6 years, and when I made my first account, I got the dog and named him Pancakes! I wish I got the cat!

  3. Nicthewerecatqueen says:

    This was my first pet on my alt account. I named her Nikki (My nickname) :)

  4. migrubbs says:

    I got this cat in July when I got my first account and named her Sassy from Homeward Bound.

  5. icestorm13 says:

    Yeah, where do you get this? I’ve seen what seems like HUNDREDS of them in the Clubhouse and in the Kinzville Park.

    • CrazyCatCrib says:

      it used to be that when you started a new account, you could get either Cat or Dog for your free pet. now they’ve got a selection of different pets. i think it’s much better, because you always used to see hundreds (as you said) of Cats and Dogs in the park and now there’s a better assortment. :D

  6. Blue_Kitty says:

    It says in plush too, WHERE DO YOU GET IT THIS IS SO CUTE!!!!! :)

  7. nonopuppy123 says:

    you can get this if you get a free account

    • kinzy103 says:

      i got rosey the cat when i created my first webkinz account her birthday just past . just thinking about her and her first day in webkinz makes tears roll down my eye because webkinz is my life!

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