Chow Chow

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12 Responses to Chow Chow

  1. shuggylay says:

    I have this pet! I got him for Christmas last year. I named him Alan, because the name “Chow Chow” reminded me of the Webkinz Baked Beans, because in the description it always said “chow down”, so I then named him Alan after Alan Bean the astronaut.

  2. monarch02WK says:

    I’m still thinking of a name for mine boy/girl chow chow

  3. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I saw one of these at Books-a-Million a few months ago, but I couldn’t get him because he didn’t have a tag. :( However, I found one at Tuesday Morning WITH a code!!! He’s so furry and adorable!!! He looks a little like a bear. However, I don’t have a name for him…yet. :)

  4. Fracktail says:

    Hooray for blue tongue dogs! :D Y’know, this one is also called a “fluffy lion-dog”. Needless to say, that is rather hilarious. XD

  5. SMHbffs123 says:

    Want a loving pet? Well here is the chow chow with its curly tail and cute face who could say no. When you have fed it the puffy pedigree pasty they will be so tierd that they will want to use the ornate oriental spa. So keep your eyes out for the cute chow chow

  6. yamg370 says:

    i want him. He is so cute. Adorable.

  7. 22sarah says:

    I just love both their sig. and this Chow Chow. I especially like the curly tail on this one. :)

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