Clover Cat

Try your luck with the cute and coy Clover Cat! They always enjoy the glint of something golden, so they will just love poking around in the Playful Pot of Gold! And nothing will satisfy those crazy constant cravings more than a little Four Leaf Catnip!

22 Responses to Clover Cat

  1. fancielle says:

    this might be my favorite webkinz. i sure hope i can get one . . . or a few someday.

  2. glitteringduck says:

    I love this kitty! She looks like a Felicity or an Erin to me…

  3. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I would LOVE to find one of these!!!! I’d name her Erin (which actually means Ireland).

    • BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

      And I found one last week during my trip to Florida!!! I was so excited to find her!! I’m hoping to adopt her soon, and I will be naming her Erin. :)

  4. migrubbs says:

    I hope this pet retires one day, because I always love getting the retired ones I like and the prices are just right. And I’m naming her Clover.

  5. AvzoraGW says:

    Now this is a cute cat! At last! Thanks!

  6. prettygirl5092 says:

    so cute if I ever get it I’m gonna name it like a irish name any ideas

    • AvzoraGW says:

      Some Irish/Gaelic names you might like for this cute kitty: Female: Honora, Bridget, Molly, Daireann (DEERahn), Clover. Male: Paddy, Patrick, Sean (Shawn), Tommy, Mick, Lucky. Maybe it’s Paddy O’Clover? Pls friend me: Avzora, on Webkinz World. :)

  7. Shadow_Blind says:

    I need to buy a new pet for my account. I will add this to my collection!

  8. CountryKinz17 says:

    This is the next cat I want for my cat collection!

  9. ofjune says:

    This kitty is adorable!! My birthday is in March and so I might ask for it.

  10. isabell says:

    aww I have this pet but not the code. I think it’s the cutest cat ever!

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