Cocker Spaniel

Who could resist this puppy? His floppy ears and goofy grin have even cat lovers going to the dogs. Shake a box of beef flavored gum drops within earshot and this little pooch won’t be able to resist you! This little spaniel is just too cute!

44 Responses to Cocker Spaniel

  1. letiecqneo says:

    This is the first one I got.I named him Buddy.If you don’t have one, get one! I recommend this pet to dog lovers like me. If you want to be friends with one [who wouldn't?] my webkinz username is Neoletiecq!

  2. 594nat says:

    I have two one’s called Carmen who I got 2 years ago, and one’s Cupcake (he’s actually a boy). I got Cupcake this year just because he had no W! I love the cocker spaniel.

  3. 1fatcat says:

    his name is max.

  4. CrazyCatCrib says:

    this is a very cute puppy, but why does she come up when i’m searching Kinzapedia for cats? :?

    • Fracktail says:

      I guess because the description says it’ll have “cat lovers going to the dogs”, and the search query made it search for entries with the word “cat” in it. It is pretty funny, though. :P

  5. Fracktail says:

    This pet reminds me of “classic” Webkinz World so much…*nostalgia-induced explosion*

  6. adidogs123 says:

    I have the L’ll Kinz version of this dog. His name is Cheerio. LOL ~kensington1203 x

  7. AvzoraGW says:

    This was my first webkinz pet. I named her Uma, German for bronze or copper-colored, and she’s one of my favorites. If you don’t have one, get one. You’ll love it.

  8. lovepuppy06 says:

    i have this pet,but i need the psi,if you have the psi for trade,here’s the username: – MirunaEnache

  9. EarthLover22 says:

    I have one, and I love it!

  10. chocolateswirls11 says:

    I have this pet. its the first pet I got.

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