
In case you haven’t heard, crocs rock! Especially this amazing cool Crocodile! Crocodiles are brave, strong and very courageous. Make this amazing reptile your new best friend by feeding it some tasty Mollusk Medallions.

9 Responses to Crocodile

  1. linspopper123 says:

    i want this :(((( im so sad its discontinued

  2. 594nat says:

    I have a Crocodile named Snaps. His colour is really cool!

  3. fredorg says:

    this account used to belong to my nephew who just turned 17 on Thursday. he doesn’t play webkinz anymore, but when he was a toddler, his very favorite toy was his stuffed crocodile, Tom. it was too long ago for webkinz, but if i ever manage to get my hands on a webkinz crocodile, i’ll definitely get it and add it to fredorg! and i’ll have to call it Tom. :D

  4. blueon says:

    omg! i looooove this guy! please, please, please bring him back!

  5. migrubbs says:

    I’m getting this pet for my cousin Kathleen’s nephew. I’m letting him keep the plush while I keep the code. I’m naming this pet Victor after the Crocodile from 64 Zoo Lane.

  6. Fracktail says:

    Darn it, I can’t see those eyes the way they’re meant to be seen. I know the white parts are supposed to represent sclerae and the black beads are pupils, but I always see the black beads as the entire eye and the white parts as skin around the eye. THAT DOESN’T EVEN MAKE SENSE AHHH. Does anyone else see them like that, or am I just crazy???

  7. Melonslicer says:

    ooh, I want one so bad. I love Crocs but don’t have any plushs of them D: Shame they are retired and hard to find.

  8. perler24 says:

    my fave webkinz of all time XD

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