Each day, Deluxe Members can visit the WWS Narwhal and rock the boat in search of map pieces. If you manage to collect all 4 pieces of the map you’ll win some cool pirate treasure!
Don't Rock the Boat
8 Responses to Don’t Rock the Boat
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I’ve been rocking the boat for over a year and I still only have one map piece.
You should take your pet to the vacation spa if you want him to become happy again the fastest. I have a challenge on my challenges toolbar called “sample these treats…” one of the things to complete the challenge was to feed your pet “fools chocolate gold” but I am NOT playing “don’t rock the boat” again!
What to do to bring up happiness if your pet see’s the ghost, look at your pets profile, buy it’s PSF, it’s favorite food and toy.
I don’t bring my pets there. I don’t ever win anything good when I do – only fools gold. All it does is scare my pets and drops their happiness level to zero…
My dance pup, Giselle was scared by the ghost yesterday….. her happiness was 0!!!
That’s happened to me SO many times! My poor Cocker Spaniel Corin has had the stuffings scared out of him three days in a row! :(
I didn’t know that! I have always been too scared of the ghost to go there daily~ I might give it a try tho :)
can you still collect map pieces? I have been playing for a long time and haven’t received any map pieces!