Fairy Princess Ball Gown

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9 Responses to Fairy Princess Ball Gown

  1. 91712A says:

    Can you still find this at PJ’s in 2022? I’ve been looking for it FOREVER…

  2. topap79 says:

    How did you get it?

  3. topap79 says:

    Does anyone know how to get it?

  4. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    So pretty!

  5. nihasriha says:

    That is a item I have, I will trade for a girly green gown. Add me nihasriha!

  6. cutefinn373 says:

    Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest webkinz of all? Well whoever wears this dress of course! Dance at the ball like a graceful fairy with this dazzling dress!

  7. glitzCCO says:

    a festive dress to make your pet feel magical!

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