Fennec Fox

Few pets are quite as crafty as the Fennec Fox! This fantastic friend loves action, and nothing excites them more than feeling the wind blowing through their foxy fur while riding in a Sand Dune Buggy! Racing around rooms can work up an apetite though, so make sure you serve them a Wild Egg Omelet when hunger strikes!

27 Responses to Fennec Fox

  1. icestorm13 says:

    I have one named Blaze! :D

  2. FoxesRule612 says:

    Hello Dusty! :D Love this little cutie.

  3. Fawn9 says:

    That’s really cute! I’ve seen one irl so…. yay!

  4. 594nat says:

    I have one called Micheal. His ears are so soft!

  5. migrubbs says:

    I’m going to get this pet from the Estore. And name him Fennekin. After the Pokémon name.

  6. Fracktail says:

    So cute! I’d name him Marvin. ;)

  7. CountryKinz17 says:

    Really want it!!! :D

  8. mommyben1 says:

    i have it

  9. alyssaolivia13 says:

    I want it. I am doing a project on it and it would be cute to have it.

  10. Nevie_Boo says:

    I can draw foxes really well! I like to draw foxes!

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