Ghost's Gold Doubloon

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5 Responses to Ghost’s Gold Doubloon

  1. westsidefitness says:

    I wish this could be made to fit in our lucky coin box. Is there anything it will fit inside so that we may save it in our room rather than just in our docks?

  2. behappyuall says:

    Ganz, this entry needs an image and a description. hope it helps.

  3. BabyBluesClues says:

    I have this item, I think it’s pretty pointless because it just sits in your dock. Could you make it a wall decoration or something?

  4. spyguybri says:

    Shouldn’t this be categorized with the currency? Also, it would be nice to be able to save this in my House somewhere. Otherwise, it just sits in my dock unless I cash it in. I would put it in my Pirate room if I could.

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