Grey Owl

Whoooo wants to be your newest feathered friend? The Grey Owl, of course! If you’re looking for a pet that is kind, caring, and loyal, being pals with an owl is always a wise choice.

12 Responses to Grey Owl

  1. brownie1004 says:

    i have one its name is Billy

  2. notwen says:

    My brother has one named Earl. We call him Earl of Oxford, but I’m not sure why.

  3. shuggylay says:

    I have this pet! I got him at Tuesday Morning last year. I named him Twilight, after the grey owl in “Guardians of Ga’Hoole”.

  4. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I wasn’t exactly keen on this pet at first, but my mother insisted that I got him (along with the Barred Owl). However, he’s really cute in person! :) I named him Barry Owlow after Barry Manilow. He even has a music-themed room! ;D

    • migrubbs says:

      Good name. I’ve heard of Barry Manilow. He wrote the songs for Thumbelina and The Pebble and the Penguin. And he sang in the ending songs with some actresses.

  5. Fracktail says:

    I always had that lamp lying around and I never knew where I got it! Well, now I know. Also, that plush’s eyebrows are wonderfully bushy. :P

  6. migrubbs says:

    I’m getting this pet for my cousin Kathleen’s nephew. I’m letting him keep the plush while I keep the code. I’m naming this pet Crescent.

  7. camillegaz says:

    OMG!!! I LUV OWLS TOO!!!!! I have this pet and named her Sky!!! # ;)

  8. jaybones says:

    I have one her name is Hoo Hoo she was my first girl webkinz

  9. 594nat says:

    I love owls and I was so happy to get mine named Prof. Hoots!

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