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3 Responses to Grufflegoop
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Here’s the official hints to this recipe: “You’d be crazy not to use this. This could get you into a sticky situation.” Could the first hint be referring to bananas? Like, going bananas? And the second one makes me think of honey, but I saw someone else suggest that it could mean stick-related foods, like fish sticks or lollipops. Maybe other sticky things, like marshmallows? Do any of the food descriptions say these specific words?
I just posted a very long comment, but I continued my research, and found a website that has a forum in it trying to figure out this recipe, and I found a few helpful posts, and I will post them here now: the bottom looks like a smashed by a pine apple the bowl looks like coconut, the inside looks like green jelly, so maybe
Soup+ jelly+ sallad+ pine apple+ every thing else might come up good.——coconut for sure, i think.—–I am no cook, but as I looked at this recipe I immediately thought of waffles, chicken or tomato soup and green gunk.—— I am thinking waffles, gunk, and some kind of soup!—–Jelly+Peas+something—–From the Webkinz Newz Kinzapedia:
It’s gooey, it’s goopy…and what’s that green steam all about? While it’s definitely not an everyday dinner, true gourmands will find something to love about this dish of Grufflegoop!—–I thin the fisrst clue could be sunflower or Tomato soup or chicken noddle soup and the Second One i think is Honey—–The bowl looks like a walnut shell, so… almonds?—–that was all of those comments! Hopefully some of them can help figure out this tough recipe! :)
Apparently I am the only one to comment on this…I will work more on figuring this out once I have Boiled Wyvernacle out of the way, which I expect will happen soon now that I got everyone working on it with me. :) Anyway, I looked on Webkinz Newz, and there was an article with some hints from Chef Gazpacho on it. Here they are: for the first ingredient, you’d be crazy not to use this. For the second ingredient, this could get you in a sticky situation. Maybe honey for the sticky thing, or maybe toffee, and for the first….not sure. :/ I think some kind of soup is in this, and maybe broccolli because of the color. Look at the cheetah print mat under the bowl-could that be some kind of hint? Maybe meat is used in this recipe? Hopefully we can figure this out soon! I also found a comment posted by A Friend, here it is: Nuts… I thought peanuts or almonds, then maybe coconut. Sticky… I thought honey, and then again it could be something with a stick in it like lollipops or maybe even fish sticks. good luck!—–that was the comment. Interesting, maybe the stick clue is meaning something with a stick. Also, there was a comment posted by maddie, but she thinks she is wrong: hehe.. the first clue made me think chocolate bar; and the second one made me think honey. i’m pretty sure i’m wrong, so plz help! >O< -confused—-that was the comment. So maybe chocolate bar is in it. Oh and, this is a Mega Stove recipe. :) So it needs 5 ingredients, phew, this might take a while! lol! Sorry this post is so long, I'm just posting all of my current research on it here all at once. :) Anyway, on the same article, Chef Gazpacho also called it a delicacy, which may not be a hint, but maybe it IS hinting that there is a dessert or something delicate in it. And se the bowl, it is brown and kind of rough, maybe it has potato in it and that is hinting at it? Hope we can find this out soon too, will keep researching. :)