
This fuzzy kitty is known for being kind, intelligent and very sociable. Himalayans are puffy, fluffy and full of energy. Take one look into those deep blue eyes and you’re guaranteed to see a true friend looking back. Make everyday in Webkinz World more wonderful with a Himalayan!

27 Responses to Himalayan

  1. shuggylay says:

    I have two of this pet! I don’t remember where I got the first one, and I got the second one at the Dollar Tree a week ago. I named the first one Mickey, probably because I was into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at the time, and I named the second one Hannah, after my friend Hannah who reminds me of the Himalayan ever since she got one at Tuesday Morning when we both went together.

  2. lpsgirl12322 says:

    i got one yesterday named Vanilla and ITS SO FWUFFYYYYYYYY

  3. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I have three of these! One is named Nutmeg after a really awesome cat my older sister knew, the second one is going to be named Cinnamon Carter after a character from the TV show Mission: Impossible, and the third one doesn’t have a name yet. However, since her two sisters are named after spices, the third cat is probably going to be named after a spice as well. Something like Sage or Marjoram. ;D

  4. fredorg says:

    Mine’s named Fionna Fluffernut because she’s so FFFLLLLLUUUUUUUUFFFFFFYYYY!!!!

  5. glitteringduck says:

    I got mine in 2010 too! Her name is Laya and she’s totally adorable, plushie & virtual :)

  6. puppypower04 says:

    i have one I got her on my birthday her name is Ashley and she is so fluffy and cute!

  7. 594nat says:

    I named mine Hailey and she’s a librarian. This is a really furry Webkinz!

    • Fracktail says:

      Cool! I don’t have a librarian pet, but I do have a library!

      • BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

        A library as in a library on Webkinz? SWEEET!!! Libraries are AWESOME!!! I’m working on building one in one of my houses; all I need are some books! :D

        • Fracktail says:

          Cool! If you’re still looking for books, I recommend Plumpy’s Great Advice on account of it’s the best Webkinz book ever written. It is, to date, the only story in which we get to witness Arte in a stylish pink blouse and Goober going on a dinner date with a perpetual motion machine. XD

          • BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

            How on earth did the other Kinz manage to get Arte into a pink blouse?! That sounds absolutely hilarious!! XD I think I will add it to my library! Thank you for the tip, Fracktail!! :D

          • BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

            Well, I bought the book at the W-Shop and now understand why Arte and Goober were doing such strange things. It was an absolutely hilarious story! XD

  8. AvzoraGW says:

    Beautiful pet, but I don’t much like the virtual one. Can she get a makeover? Her virtual face looks like a monkey or something. Thanks!

    • Fracktail says:

      Problem is, this pet was released in 2010, so it’s been a while. If she gets a makeover now, then everyone who has a Himalayan on their account already (which, to my knowledge, is a decent amount of people) cannot get the makeover. Personally, I wouldn’t want a makeover anyways; I like my Himalayan just the way she is.

  9. AbigaylleTurner says:

    I named my Himalayan Fluffy because, well, she is :D I got her in the December of 2010

  10. CountryKinz17 says:

    I have this pet its a girl named Blizzard. I got this pet for my birthday in 2012. I’m a KinzTuber (witch is a YouTuber if you didn’t know) and I wanted to make a crazy hilarious pet that my fans would probably like, and I thought Blizzard would probably be the best for the job! If you look me up (CountryKinz17) you can probably see her in some of my videos just being plain weird! lol

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