Yee-haw! Need a strong, dependable pardner to roam with far and wide? Meet the hardest-working pet in the whole Wild West, the Howdy Horse! Next time you roll into town, be sure to kick back for a rest in their favorite High Noon Chair. And when it’s dinner-time, rope yourself a huge plate of Lasso Linguine, this pet’s number one meal!
Howdy Horse

10 Responses to Howdy Horse
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Is it normal that I read this entire pet description with a Western accent? XD
Although I LOVE horses, I wasn’t planning on getting this pet. However, I came up with a perfect name for it and made a special trip to Barnes and Noble to get it. Her name is Heidi Ho after a line from Mystery Science Theater 3000′s version of Gamera vs. Barugon (the line is at 16:42).
Good name.
Thank you, migrubbs! :) I also adopted another Howdy Horse last month. Her name is Ida Ho after the state. ;D
That’s a good name too.
I love love love love love love love love him!
I’m getting this pet for my cousin Kathleen’s nephew. I’m letting him keep the plush while I keep the code. I’m naming this pet Cowboy.
I like what you’re going to name yours!
My brother loves this horse
Hi everyone! Here are some name ideas for this Howdy Horse: Brownie, Estrella, Star, Speedy, Lasso, Wild West, Horseshoe, Dependable, Howdy, Stroll, or Yee-haw! Hope that helps! :)