
If you’re looking for some laughs, adopting a Hyena will certainly put a smile on your face! The hilarious Hyena is always trying out new jokes, so set them up behind their Fifteen Minutes Mic to work on their standup rountine! Laughter can also work up a rabid appetite, so make sure you feed your Hyena their favorite food– a Sub-Saharan Sandwich!

12 Responses to Hyena

  1. mypuppydalmation says:

    I have this pet I got it in 2013 I name it taffy but I cannot find the plush

  2. migrubbs says:

    I’m getting this pet for my cousin Kathleen’s nephew. I’m letting him keep the plush while I keep the code. I’m naming this pet Banzai from Disney’s the Lion King.

  3. jaybones says:

    i have him a got him for crismas his name is grin thought sometimes I wish I could of named him lucky

  4. CountryKinz17 says:

    I gots that pet! That’s right, I GOTS it LOL!

  5. wildzooanimal says:

    I want him I would Name him giggle

  6. Fracktail says:

    I love the mischievous glint in his eyes and the Cheshire Cat grin. He looks almost insane, but somehow that makes me like it more. XD

  7. fierywarmth says:

    This is funny. I love this pet!

  8. Melonslicer says:

    The smile does look a bit weird, but I’m still tempted! I love hyenas and its about time Ganz made one!

  9. leah7bear says:

    somethings wrong with that smile…………….STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!!!! lol

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