Ice Cream Scoop Snail

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6 Responses to Ice Cream Scoop Snail

  1. migrubbs says:

    I’m getting this pet and name her Swirly Whirly from My Little Pony.

  2. Fracktail says:

    D’aww, it’s cute! I love how the first Webkinz snail is one made of ice cream. :P

  3. Pinkroses9872002 says:

    How about, “This snail may look slow, as you think with all snails, but it’s not! This little Ice Cream Snail can fly like the wind! It’s the cutest and fastest(And yummiest looking!) snail on planet Earth! It loves to eat it’s Sprinkles and Cream Waffles and relax with it’s friends!”

  4. Pinkroses9872002 says:

    I want this little guy SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad!!!

  5. perler24 says:

    candykinz! lol

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