Icy Mist Leopard

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30 Responses to Icy Mist Leopard

  1. criss999 says:

    I ordered this cutie off Amazon need a boys name please

  2. peachykinz101 says:

    So I just ordered her off amazon *squee*! Any name suggestions?

  3. Nicthewerecatqueen says:

    I ordered this cutie off Amazon! When I get her, I’ll name her Aricia

  4. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I’ve always thought this pet was pretty, but I held off getting it because I wanted to get a Strawberry Cloud Leopard to be her twin. However, I found her today at Tuesday Morning!! She is so sparkly! I’m not sure what I’m going to name her, but I’ll probably wait to adopt her until I can find her twin…if that ever happens! XD

  5. shuggylay says:

    I have this pet! I got her for my birthday last year. I named her Michelle, because I was going to name her Misty, but I’m saving that name for a Mystical Panda if I ever get one, and since I have two aunts named Misty and Michelle, I used the name Michelle instead.

  6. rheadragon says:

    I have a Icy Mist Leopard named Iceball. She is soft, cute, and lovable!

  7. littleshoff says:

    If I ever got this pet, I would name it Speckles. He, and my Strawberry Clouded Leopard, Freckles, would be brother and sister. :D

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