
Llamas are enthusiastic, friendly pals who are always on the go. If you want to see a busy social calendar, just befriend a Llama! Never one to say no to a gathering, a soiree, or a delicious dish of Bromgrasserole, Llamas truly are the life of the party!

11 Responses to Llama

  1. DOGGYSNOW123 says:

    My llamas name is Lacey

  2. migrubbs says:

    I’m getting this for my cousin’s baby boy, while I keep the code and he keeps the plush. I’m naming this pet Linda from Go Diego Go.

  3. LizzehMiles says:

    i am getting a Llama and im going to name it Twaimz (happy llama sad llama) its the llama song!

  4. fredorg says:

    me nombre es llama! (that’s ‘my name is llama’) i’d love to have one of these. his name would be Tramo, which is Spanish for stretch.

  5. 594nat says:

    I love the PSI! I have a Llama but I don’t know what to name it! (should I make it a boy or girl?)

    • 594nat says:

      I made it a girl and decided to name her Llama Sue after a really minor character from Star Wars (the actual character’s name was Lama Su). I love the PSI because I love carpets and rugs! :-)

  6. PinkiePuppylover says:

    my mom got me one and i named her Pepsi!

  7. CrumpleHornedSnorcack says:

    This is my favorite pet ever! I love the llama rug too.

  8. Fracktail says:

    I think the PSI could have been a bit more creative, but I like the pet overall.

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