Lollipop Pup

Add a pop of color to your pet family with the sweet Lollipop Pup! This candy expert has decided that the best lollipop of all is the flavor-packed Polarberry Pop–their favorite! And when they want to light up their candy collection, this cute pet uses an adorable piece of candy art–a sugary sweet Lollipop Lamp!

30 Responses to Lollipop Pup

  1. moneyz1234 says:

    I will get it a month before my half birthday! Any name suggestions?

  2. Misty900 says:

    yay, it’s on amazon for $6.99! My mom might let me buy her!! SHE MUST BE MIIIINE XDDDD

  3. sillyhead says:

    adorable puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOW DO YOU GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. hixxy11 says:

    Can you order webkinz pets and have it come to your house/apt

  5. lexi5338 says:

    I only have the candy puppy and the cupcake puppy. I want to get the lollipop puppy the ice cream puppy and the chocolate puppy

  6. aubrea9876789 says:

    I wish I had her

  7. webkinzmagic123 says:

    I have him he is so cute and he looks good in everything that’s pink!

  8. muffin123 says:

    I have it but I spent the rest of money on webkinz ;(

  9. cathouse2 says:

    I can’t wait to get this one! It’s so cute! >>cathouse2

  10. bat887 says:

    I love dogs and lollipops if I could have that it would be awesome and cool.could you make it a contest?

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