Magical Retriever

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8 Responses to Magical Retriever

  1. horselover7 says:

    Wait is it a Plush!? I HOPE SO!! I can’t see the picture though :(

  2. Fracktail says:

    I was not lucky at all, so I didn’t get it. (Actually, scratch that. I’m still not lucky. I don’t do well in games of luck. :c)

  3. Wycklyn says:

    how do you get pets from the trading cards? i might get some cards if i could get this cute pup!!!

  4. TurtleWolf says:

    I would love to get it if it was a plush pet!

  5. eileen1963 says:

    This was not a plush was special from trading cards.

  6. Justice374420 says:

    I want it so much! I’d name it Sparkle, and it’d be a girl :3 <3

  7. Galaya says:

    SO cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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