My House

My House is the main place to play with your pet! Customize every room with its own wallpaper, flooring, furniture and decorations! Add new rooms and expand your house with a variety of different themes! You can also add an outdoor yard and plant seeds to grow your own food! There’s so much to do in My Room, you can even have parties, invite friends over, and even play games!

30 Responses to My House

  1. Kitty_cat_lover_07 says:

    How do u get a house? I just started can someone tell me?please!

  2. Clau says:

    I love my house! I have more than 100 rooms!

  3. lerpal says:

    this is my fav thing to do in webkinz world! XD

  4. booishere says:

    why wont one of my rooms let me in

  5. vic8kir says:

    invite me to be your friend and come check out my house!

  6. price1245 says:

    i wish you could visit other peoples houses but you could not take peoples things out of the house.also for a room theme what about a roman theme

  7. Niberts1 says:

    I love my house many different room choices to choose from!

  8. cook says:

    HAPPY CHRRYSTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. KoalasRock2000 says:

    My house is really big i have 54 rooms. And I add to it a lot. :D

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