Mystical Mouse

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7 Responses to Mystical Mouse

  1. Fracktail says:

    I love how the habitat is saying “farm”. Like, imagine you were a farmer and you went to take out the horses, and then you see one of these scurrying across the barn. “Darn those pesky magical mice! Always scaring my unicorns…”

  2. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I read the name “Mystical Moose.” I think there’s a slight difference between the two. ;)

  3. jean3bear says:

    i know a description the Mystical Mouse has a Mystical look that will make your day happy after a long day it likes to eat Cosmic Cheesecake

  4. kbk100 says:

    Very pretty mouse! Ganz please give her a description she really need one….

  5. Galaya says:

    so pretty I like animals that look like this!

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