Hooray for neon! Celebrate the electric colors of the rainbow with the unique Pallas’s Cat! This furry feline adores taking catnaps on their hip-as-can-be Neon Futon! And when it’s time to host an awesome party, be sure to supply as much Florescent Frozen Yogurt as possible — it’s your pet’s favorite treat of all!
Neon Pallas Cat

16 Responses to Neon Pallas Cat
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Some Webkinz are brown. Some Webkinz are grey. Some Webkinz are pink. Some Webkinz are blue. But this Webkinz is MAJESTIC HIGHLIGHTER GREEN!!!! (which is incidentally also the color of most pickle relish in the supermarket, but in those circumstances it is not majestic and is just worrying. :P)
Aww!!! It’s so purrdy! ;)
Here are some name suggestions for this Neon Pallas Cat: Electric, Manny, Earnest, Neon, Florescent, Fluffy, or Alice. Hope that helps! :)
Its so cute!
Kinda cute but I wish it was not neon green. A realistic color would have been better.
im sooooooooooooo glad its not a dog! I love cats!
I like Dogs! a cat scratched me one time so I will NEVER like a cat again!
Oh, I’m sure he/she didn’t mean to hurt you! The cat was probably upset or something. If it was a stray, it could have been abused or beaten so it makes them scared of humans. Anyway I promise you that cats are really really really good pets. REALLY!
Yes, true! Everyone must love cats! CATS RULE, DOGS DRUEL!!!!
Me too! I love dogs! And don’t like cats because one scratched me. :(
Cats scratch alot, so don’t worry your pretty little face about it. Cats can be mean at times, but who says their all mean?
Honestly, I’ve been a cat owner and lover for years. The only time they’d ever scratch you is when they think you’re going to hurt them and they need to get away. Please don’t let one frightened kitty keep you from enjoying cats! I was attacked by a dog as a little kid and I’ve spent years trying to get over it. I’m still uncomfortable around dogs, but I can pet them and talk to them now and I even have some canine Kinzpetz! I guess I don’t want to see anybody else having the same kind of trouble that I’ve had. Kitties and puppies are there for us to love and enjoy. Love to all! ;)
Same here, casslesam1234!!!!
i want it so so bad but i thin my parents wont lemme have it :(