
With their brightly colored feathers and their winning personalities, Parakeets are sure to be popular pets with everyone! Parakeets like to discover things, so be sure to take your brilliant bird to the Curio Shop for some mining!

7 Responses to Parakeet

  1. Nicthewerecatqueen says:

    This pet is on my wishlist! I will name her Cluadia after one of my friends (Who loves prarkeets)

  2. Fracktail says:

    This pet is so colorful! I love the baby blue feet.

  3. 594nat says:

    I have one called Mango named after a real Parakeet. It’s a colourful Webkinz!

  4. migrubbs says:

    I hope this pet retires one day, because I always love getting the retired ones I like and the prices are just right. And I’m naming him Polly from the movie Polly.

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