
Why should you be pals with a Pelican? They’re cheerful, spunky, and down to earth – even when they’re flying! Have your pet take a peek through the Seaside Peli-Scope for an awesome ocean view.

11 Responses to Pelican

  1. dancefashion55 says:

    I can’t find him in the w-shop anymore as of August 1st, was just about to get him :(

  2. shuggylay says:

    I have this pet! I got him at T.J.Maxx earlier this year. I named him Craig, because it seemed to fit him.

  3. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I have two of these! They don’t have names yet, but I’m not in any rush. :)

    • BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

      After some planning, both of my pelicans have names! One is named Pier Gynt after the piece by Edvard Grieg. The original title is spelled “Peer Gynt,” but I changed the first name spelling since the pelican is a sea bird. ;) The second pet is named Capt. Peter Peachfuzz after the character from Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends. :)

  4. Fracktail says:

    I love the little tuft on the back of his head! Pelicans are so underrated. I don’t think I’d be able to handle its PSF, though. It looks spicy :X

  5. puppypower04 says:

    I got one for Christmas! I love its neck and bill and I named him Edward

  6. 594nat says:

    I have one and his name’s Mr.Pelican!

  7. migrubbs says:

    I hope this pet retires one day, because I always love getting the retired ones I like and the prices are just right. I’m naming him Petie Pelican. After the character of my book.

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