Pink Punch Cheeky Dog

The Pink Punch Cheeky Dog is one healthy pet! It loves to exercise and play catch outside every afternoon! Once it’s worked up a thirst, the Cheeky Dog always reaches for a Berry Berry Smoothie that has been blended to perfection in a Buffet Fruit Juicer!

10 Responses to Pink Punch Cheeky Dog

  1. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I ordered this pet from the eStore! I was expecting her (and her brother Khachaturian) to arrive next week, but they arrived today instead!! She is absolutely adorable! Surprisingly, this Cheeky Dog is very similar in design to the original (and the original is slightly different from other pets because of the patch of fabric under the chin). I’m not sure what I’m going to name her, but her working name is Evgenia. Her pink and orange fur reminds me of a friend of mine who loved those colors (normally combined). Her name reminded me of Evgenia Obraztsova, a Prima ballerina of the Mariinsky and Bolshoi Ballets (I named my Bubblegumasuarus after her). I’m not sure if I’ll actually name her that, but it works for now. :D

  2. Fracktail says:

    This is a cool color scheme! It’s very fruity. It’s like the polar opposite of the Blueberry version!

  3. MissBitu says:

    So cute!!!I have><3 … so cute

  4. kn389 says:

    I named mine sparkle her nick name is pinky :)

  5. lovepuppy54 says:

    i have one named fruitsmoothie!

  6. 594nat says:

    I have one called Peaches. She is BFF’s with my summer beaver. Definitly a favourite! I just love the cheeky dogs! :-)

  7. humf1 says:

    i have one but what i really want to know is if it is the pet of the months for Feb. mine came with a necklace like thing that said that

  8. mugsysgirlatzilladogcom says:

    I am so getting this for my Webkinz Bakery! This pup can control the juicer!

  9. kaylizJimCfan says:

    This is one of those webkinz that looks better as a plush toy. I wish it looked as good online as it does in real life. And what happened to the naming system? I had to name my pink punch dog “Peach”. I wanted to name “Coral” or “Coraline”. You know, cause the dog looks like a pinkish-coral color.

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