Polar Bear

This little bear loves the cold weather, ice and snow, but would definitely give it all up for a warm bed in a well-designed room! Polar bears are strong, intelligent creatures. They’re also lots of fun! To please your polar bear, pick up a big bowl of Frozen Iceberg Chili at the W Shop!

20 Responses to Polar Bear

  1. migrubbs says:

    I’m getting this pet for my cousin Kathleen’s nephew. I’m letting him keep the plush while I keep the code. I’m naming this pet Lars from Lars the Little Polar Bear.

  2. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I found the plush (no tag) at a thrift store for $.65; we got him for my sister. I don’t know what she’s going to name him yet…

  3. okskitty1234 says:

    I’ve got this one! The lil’ kinz version of it too! Snowy and icecube, both very cute! :)

  4. 156nene says:

    have him and his name is vortex like a polar vortex

  5. jaybones says:

    I just got one! his name is balto my sis has one her name is tundra

  6. puppypower04 says:

    I got one for Christmas! I named her Tundra and she is so cute and amazing!

  7. 594nat says:

    I have two. We got them for free after watching a play! There names are Icy and Snowy!

  8. Melody_Dixon says:

    just got him

  9. audreyw665 says:

    have him

  10. AvzoraGW says:

    I love this guy! He’s one of my favorite webkinz. His name is Bert Bignose Bear and he’s a surfer bear. Please friend us at Exalla. And if you don’t have one of these, get it quick!

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