Pom Pom Chinchilla

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8 Responses to Pom Pom Chinchilla

  1. k8nn says:

    I got a idea for the description! :D Pom pom chinchilla is as fluffy as can be! She loves to go out on some pom pom pasta each night! And cuddle on your lab all day! Tell me if you guys think that it’s awesome :D or it’s Junk :( P.S. Junk is not nice please call it something other then Junk. :p

  2. k8nn says:

    last night I got Pom pom chinchilla and jellybean puppy! I named them Cuddles and Jellybean! I <3ed them! there so CUTE! and pom pom chinchilla used to be a plush :( but I think you can get it without the tag! :p

  3. migrubbs says:

    I’m going to get this pet for my niece and she wants it to be named Pommy.

  4. PeacePuppy2323 says:

    Aww….. I thought it was a plush! But it was an estore pet all along…. :*(

  5. bunny5665 says:

    I would buy this if it was a plush. :)

  6. CountryKinz17 says:

    I can picture this as a plush right now! :)

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