Pot Bellied Pig

The Pot Bellied Pig is one cool character who likes to mellow out in the mud of its Take it Easy Trough! This porky pet also has a taste for the finer things in life, so it will happily accept a Chilly Chocolate Float from you every day!

11 Responses to Pot Bellied Pig

  1. Fracktail says:

    Pigs used to be my favorite animals of all time when I was little! Next to skinks, of course. (Man, I just realized how awesome a blue-tongued skink Webkinz would be. That’d be cool! :D)

  2. jaybones says:

    if I got one I will name him mr pots enyone?

  3. 594nat says:

    I was so happy to finally get this pet! He is so fat, but is really cute! I named mine Porky. :-)

  4. broniebear17 says:

    I have always wanted one of these little guys.

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