Quizzy's Corner

Test your trivia skills at Quizzy’s! Whether you want the more educational edge with Quizzy’s Discovery Zone or you prefer the classic Quizzy’s Question Corner, you’ll definitely have lots of questions to answer. Quizzy’s is one of the fastest way in Webkinz World to win lots and lots of KinzCash!

6 Responses to Quizzy’s Corner

  1. OriginFang says:

    Does anyone else get slightly terrified by Quizzy’s voice?

  2. ChipperChirp says:

    I don’t trust Quizzy…

    • Fracktail says:

      I liked him better when he didn’t talk and there was no music. Then you could put on your own music. Now you can mute the music, but you can’t mute the part when you get a question right and then it goes “AAADINGDINGDINGDINGDING!!! WOW YOU ARE SO SMART!!! I BET YOU GO TO SCHOOL!!!!!!” which is rather loud. :S

  3. momz54 says:

    I finished all the categories years ago and it has never reset or renewed to allow me to answer new questions. Does it ever start over in all the categories so we can earn cash once again?

  4. Nevie_Boo says:

    Animal Trivia is the best! :P

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