Red Panda

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10 Responses to Red Panda

  1. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Haha, how cute! XD I got one of these, and I named him “Kung Fu Red Panda”, because puns

  2. icestorm13 says:

    If I ever get this pet…..its name is Master Shifu.

    • Beckinz8 says:

      Yes! This plush has Master Shifu written all over it! Hopefully the bamboo tofu will bring him some “inner peace”!

      • Beckinz8 says:

        Still on my wish list! Does anyone know this pet’s measurements? Some of them are way bigger than I expect (like my signature white bengal tiger, Shira, who makes my sabertooth tiger, Diego, look puny!)

  3. dianetesnear says:

    if anyone knows where i can get a red panda please let me know. i really really need the wallpaper that comes with it. thank you.

  4. Fracktail says:

    Red pandas are my friend’s favorite animal. My sister has a Webkinz of it!

  5. 594nat says:

    I have one named Shi Fu! He has the longest tail out of every Webkinz! :-)

  6. zeromyhero says:

    An adorable Red Panda is sure to melt the hearts of even the most frigid Yeti, while munching on some delicious Bamboo Tofu! And can be usually seen wearing it’s Crimson Red Robes.

  7. zeromyhero says:

    So Adorable!!!!!

    • Beckinz8 says:

      I love your username! If you chose it because of the School House Rock song, that is doubly awesome! If you still play in WW, I hope to see you around. My favorite School House Rock songs are the adverb song (Lolly, Lolly, Lolly) and ‘Interjections!’. My WW username is kalcan8.

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