Rockerz Bunny

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14 Responses to Rockerz Bunny

  1. SavannahSong says:

    Your entry for Rockerz Bunny needs a photo of the plush pet and a description. Hope it helps!

  2. Fracktail says:

    You have no idea how many people in my middle school tried to be like this bunny. I’d put a smiley face at the end of this post like I always do, but it was just painful to watch.

  3. 594nat says:

    I got this for Christmas! His name is DJ Hops! He’s a rapper!

  4. migrubbs says:

    I’m going to get this pet from the Estore. And I’m naming him Fluffer Nufferman after the bunny from the movie: Doctor Dolittle Million Dollar Mutts.

  5. snowdog2002 says:

    this pet is so cool! i could just see this pet brake-dancing on the street.

  6. fooroo says:

    For the description… “The Rockerz Bunny likes to rock out– even in his sleep! Rock out with him all day, and then let him rock out while he’s sleeping in his Boombox Bed! Then, for dessert, feed him the Microphone Snow cone!” Or something like that… Sorry it’s not THAT good.

  7. Rnw9kinz says:

    some one drew him i would name him Hip-Hop

  8. 500noodles says:

    This is my favorite rockerz because I love Hip-Hop

  9. fooroo says:

    A cute and adorable friend, and after a long day, likes to lay down in his own boom box bed.

  10. Galaya says:

    loves hip hop and has a friendly character!!

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