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Roserina Blushini
6 Responses to Roserina Blushini
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Can someone solve this recipe?
Here is a post I found that could be very helpful posted by curiousg: “The Rose family is a real plant family & the following ingredients come from plants that belong in the Rosaceae plant family:
(I like the idea of the above three ingredients in this one)
(but then I also see so many other possibilties: does the white frosting look like carrot cake? Does the vase have the color of a mushroom?)”—-isn’t that interesting? I think it is! Let’s see if any of these work…
Ok, I found a very helpful comment by JesusIsMyLord830 in the forums, and I thought it would be helpful here. Here it is:— “The unsolvesd Roserina Blushini was given out before to deluxe members in the Today’s activities, and I was lucky enough to get a hold of one by trading, so when I go to try to sell it, the price is 42 KC, and when you sell an item it is half what you payed for it. So it will be 5 food items that cost a total of 84 KC. I hope this helps any of you who were trying to figure this out! Good luck to all of you! -JimL830″—Ok, that was it. :) Isn’t that like, super helpful!! That gonna be great for trying to figure this out. So, this means that all the 5 ingredients put together have to be 84 kinzcash. :) I’ll work on compiling a list of 5 ingredients that put together make 84 kinzcash. :) I’m gonna continue my research now, so once again, I’ll be back soon. :)
Oh, found out it is a Mega Stove Recipe. :) Five ingredients.
Ok, on a website I found, there is an article posted when the recipe came out. Lots of people commented on it, some of them I found to be helpful. Here they are: summercub00 said “Definetly has Cupcake and cherry, I’m guessing salad, NEED to know the rest” snuggles56100 agreed saying “CUPCAKES AND CHERRY ARE IN IT I DO NOT KONW IT I JUST SAYING WHAT I THINK” iluvselenagomez said “MAybe Pink Lemonade because the umbrella is the shape of the flower and its pink too. I mean the Umbrella looks like the shape of the rose” anonymous said “cream puff for sure!!! you see cake thiing in middle? Definitely cream puff.” (Some people, including me, thought it was cupcake, but it could be cream puff) anyway, back to comments: anonymous then posted more comments saying “mabye blueberries or blueberry pie: it says roserina BLUshini. Did you get that? BLU (blue)” and then “blueberries, cupcake? cherry?”—-And those were all the helpful comments I could find. :) I’ll continue my research…
This is an unsolved recipe. I’m gonna do some research, and I’m gonna post my results! Be right back! ;)