Rosy Satin Cow Giftbox

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7 Responses to Rosy Satin Cow Giftbox

  1. monkey05 says:

    OMG!!! Its so fancy you already know!

  2. 082003m says:

    The box is the rosy satin cow’s gift box which you get when you adopt the cow.

  3. hulapenny says:

    i totally want one so bad it looks so amazing

  4. hannahmad3 says:

    can i have one

  5. hannahmad3 says:

    cool how can i get one

    • shuggylay says:

      You can’t get one anymore, but it was the Rosy Satin Cow’s adoption gift, and you could get the Rosy Satin Cow by buying 130,000 eStore points while it was the promotional Webkinz.

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