Sequin Peacock

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28 Responses to Sequin Peacock

  1. Fracktail says:

    I love how this peacock has a single, lone feather on the top of its head. I guess he got a feather-cut. :P

  2. CountryKinz17 says:

    This pet would look good as a plush don’t you think?! ;)

  3. pinkyandthebrain says:

    my suggested description: this pretty peacock is ready for their fashion show.then their interview,they definitely aren’t camera shy! but don’t worry! they have lots of time for you. sit down with them in their lavish lounger and have a bowl of flan flambe, their favorite food. so if you are ready for a more glamorous life,paparazzi’s,and lots of camera flashes,adopt a sequin peacock today!

  4. v6f7 says:

    So pretty! I want one!

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